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Scientists can learn about past climate conditions, atmospheric composition, and volcanic eruptions by studying ice core samples. The layers in ice cores provide a record of environmental changes, allowing researchers to track shifts in temperature and understand how the Earth's climate has evolved over time. Ice cores also contain air bubbles that trap ancient gases, giving insights into past atmospheric conditions.

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Q: What do scientist learn from ice core samples?
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How do the core samples from ice tells us about the atmosphere?

Core samples from ice contain information about past atmospheric composition and climate conditions. By analyzing gas bubbles trapped in ice cores, scientists can determine levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane over time. Isotopic analysis of the ice can also provide insights into temperature fluctuations and changes in atmospheric circulation patterns.

What is the age of the oldest ice found on Earth?

The oldest ice core samples found on Earth are estimated to be around 2.7 million years old, extracted from Antarctica. These ice cores provide valuable information about past climate conditions and atmospheric composition.

How do scientists drill an ice core?

Scientists typically use a specialized drilling tool called an ice core drill to extract ice cores. The drill is designed to extract cylindrical ice samples of various lengths which capture information about past climate conditions. The process involves carefully extracting the ice core from deep within a glacier or ice sheet while minimizing contamination.

What is a core sample?

A core sample is a cylindrical sample of rock, soil, or ice that is obtained by drilling into the ground. It is used to study the composition, structure, and properties of the subsurface layers of the Earth. Core samples provide valuable information for various scientific disciplines, such as geology, environmental science, and archaeology.

How do scientists measure the composition of the Earth's early atmosphere?

Scientists use various methods to estimate the composition of the Earth's early atmosphere, such as analyzing ancient rocks, studying gas inclusions trapped in crystals, and examining isotopic ratios of elements in rock samples. These methods provide insight into the types and relative abundances of gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen that were present in the Earth's early atmosphere.

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How are some ways climatologists use tree rings and ice core samples similar?

By examining tree rings and ice core samples, climatologists are able to determine the environmental and climate situation prevalent at the time the tree was growing and when the water froze.

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ice core samples

In the day after tomorrow movie why did Jack Hall take ice core samples from Antarctica?

they measure ice caps to see how quickly theyre melting waatsup

What is a sentence for core sample?

A core sample is a tubelike sample of a substance for scientific study. Core samples can be of rock, earth, plants, or even ice. Here are some sentences.The core sample showed what the earth was like millions of years ago.The scientist collected a core sample from the giant redwood tree.A core sample from the glacier might contain trapped pollen or microbes.

How do the core samples from ice tells us about the atmosphere?

Core samples from ice contain information about past atmospheric composition and climate conditions. By analyzing gas bubbles trapped in ice cores, scientists can determine levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane over time. Isotopic analysis of the ice can also provide insights into temperature fluctuations and changes in atmospheric circulation patterns.

What are facts scientists have learned about earth's climate from core samples?

Scientists have learned about past climate conditions by studying ice core samples, including temperature changes, carbon dioxide levels, and atmospheric composition. They can also study the frequency and impact of natural events like volcanic eruptions and shifts in ocean currents by analyzing core samples. Overall, ice core data provides valuable insights into Earth's climate history and helps inform our understanding of future climate change.

What other clues did scientist use to learn about ice man life?

He use Weapon with a stone

What are scientists trying to understand about the climate of Earth by analyzing these ice samples?

The Gasses trapped in the air bubbles of the ice in the different levels can tell them what the atmosphere was like when the ice was formed, each layer of ice represents an different year or group of years, it has been there a very long time and provides a timeline of the earths climate changes to help predict what we are going to see in the future. It takes a lot of samples to get a complete picture. Sometimes there wont be a good sample in a particular core for a given time period so multiple cores are needed.

Why is jack hall taking ice core samples from antarctica?

Jack Hall was studying the greenhouse gases in ice cores from Antarctica because runaway greenhouse gases are causing global warming.

Does Neptune have ice?

Yes their is a great posibility it does yet man has not yet sent rovers or robots their yet by scientist best obsersations and guesses that there is ice in the inner core making it a must be that there is ice on neptune.

What is the age of the oldest ice found on Earth?

The oldest ice core samples found on Earth are estimated to be around 2.7 million years old, extracted from Antarctica. These ice cores provide valuable information about past climate conditions and atmospheric composition.

How do tree rings and ice cores help scientist understand how Earth has changed over time?

Scientist drill into ice and remove ice cores for study. Scientist analynze air trapped in the ice to learn how the atmosphere has changed. Scientists can develop an accurate history of overall weather patterns over time.