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Rift valleys form due to the separation of tectonic plates, causing the Earth's crust to crack and sink, creating a long, narrow valley. This process is associated with the movement of the Earth's lithosphere and can lead to the formation of new ocean basins over time.

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Q: What do rift valleys form?
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How do rift valleys form?

rift valleys form by tension stress

Why do Lakes form on the floor of rift valleys?

lakes form on the floor of a rift valley

When can rift valleys form?

Rift valleys can form when tectonic plates move apart, creating a fracture in the Earth's crust. This process, known as rifting, leads to the thinning and stretching of the crust, ultimately resulting in the formation of a rift valley. These valleys are often associated with divergent plate boundaries, such as the East African Rift and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

How often does a rift valley form?

Rift valleys form in response to divergent plate movements which are slow in human terms, roughly the rate of fingernail growth.

Where do Rift zones rift valleys linear oceans and oceanic ridges features form?

They form in areas of the Earth in which continental or oceanic plates are pulling apart.

What is the name of the long deep valleys that are formed by the movement of Earths crust?

rift valleys

Where rift valleys form?

A rift valley forms when the lithospheric stretches, tension stress occurs, causing rock to pull apart, break, and form normal faults.

What type of land form do you get at collision boundaries?

mountains, volcanoes, rift valleys, fault lines,

Where are the rift valleys on earth?

The East African Rift Valley is a prominent example of rift valleys on Earth, running through countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. Another well-known rift valley is the Great Rift Valley in Asia, which extends from Syria to Mozambique. These rift valleys are formed by tectonic plate movements that create deep valleys and high mountains.

When two Continenal plates diverge what landforms are made?

When two Continental plates diverge, landforms like rift valleys and mid-ocean ridges are created. Rift valleys form on land where the plates are separating, while mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges that form in the ocean.

Does a rift valley form along a divergent plate boundary?

Yes, yes it does. These valleys can contain magma.

What form valleys?

It's the rock's that scrap the ground when the water flows. Then it eventually creates a rift valley