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Proxy records, such as ice cores, tree rings, and sediment samples, provide indirect evidence of past temperature variations. These records suggest that current global temperatures are higher than at any point in the past few thousand years. Additionally, they show a rapid increase in temperature over the past century that correlates with increased greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.

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Q: What do proxy records indicate about global temperature?
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What are proxy indicators of climate change?

Proxy indicators of climate change are indirect sources of information that can be used to infer past or present climate conditions. Examples include tree rings, ice cores, and sediment cores, which can reveal information about temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric composition over time. These proxy indicators help scientists reconstruct past climate variations and understand the long-term trends of climate change.

How do scientists know that Earth's climate has changed over time?

Scientists study various sources of evidence such as ice cores, sediment layers, tree rings, and historical records to track changes in Earth's climate over time. These sources provide data on temperature, precipitation, and other climate factors that help scientists reconstruct past climates and understand how they have changed. Additionally, proxy indicators like the ratio of oxygen isotopes in ice cores can provide valuable information about past climates.

Is there miscalculation of global warming?

While there can be variations in climate models and predictions, the overwhelming consensus among scientists is that global warming is occurring and largely driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels. The evidence supporting this includes rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and changing weather patterns.

Is there any proof that global warming is fake?

The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists is that global warming is real and largely caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. There is abundant evidence, including temperature records, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels, that support the reality of global warming. Any claims that global warming is fake are not supported by the scientific community and are often based on misinformation or cherry-picked data.

How do scientists know the co2 level of earth's past atmosphere?

Scientists analyze air bubbles trapped in ice cores from Antarctica or Greenland to determine CO2 levels in Earth's past atmosphere. Isotopic analysis of ancient plant and animal remains also provides information on historical CO2 concentrations. Additionally, geological records such as sedimentary rocks and fossilized organisms offer insights into past CO2 levels.

Related questions

Is Mexico in the global North?

No. It is a proxy between the north and south.

How has the temperature changed over the years?

i think that the temperature changing because of us because we destroy environment and such as petrol and coal so this might cause temperature to decrease.-----"Global Warming" is not my area of expertise, but the dramatic cycles into and out of ice ages over the past half-million years or so have, based on ice core measurements as a proxy for temperature, caused the global average temperature to fluctuate by as much 12oC over this period. These fluctuations dwarf the changes observed from "global warming" thus far [whether that remains the case in the decades/centuries to come is another matter].

What is a upstream proxy?

A proxy supplies internet data to your client if configured to do so. An upstream proxy proxy provides the Internet pages to your proxy.

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Use a proxy. Google Proxy. Use a proxy. Google Proxy.

How can you use Proxy in a sentence?

If they could not be present at the meeting, they were allowed vote by proxy. Proxy can be a computing term. Proxy is a hard language. The guy had a good proxy for his bad habit.

What is difference between SIP Outbound Proxy and SIP Proxy?

Proxy SIP - Proxy Server for all outbound requests Outbound Proxy - SIP Outbound Proxy Server where all outbound requests are sent as the first hop.

How does one view a website using a proxy?

In order to view a website using a proxy, one first has to find a proxy. You can find one of these at Hidemyass. Once you find a proxy, you simply put the url that you want to visit into the proxy and then browse the website using the proxy.

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Install free proxy software on your PC. Pay for access to a proxy server located on the internet. Set up an encrypted tunnel between the proxy installed on your PC and the proxy on the internet. Set your brower to use the proxy installed on your PC. Done.

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Visit a Proxy Website.

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