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Because the rock sequences matched so well, he surmised that the continents might once have been joined together.

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Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift after observing that the rock sequences and fossil assemblages on different continents matched up when they were thought to have been part of a single supercontinent. He suggested that the continents were once connected and had drifted apart over time.

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Q: What did Alfred Wegener propose after looking at the rock sequences on different continents?
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How climate clues help explain continents drift?

Climate clues such as glacial deposits and ancient sea level changes can help support the theory of continental drift by showing how certain landmasses were once connected and located in different positions on Earth. By looking at these climate indicators, scientists can reconstruct past climates and the movement of continents over millions of years. This evidence helps explain how continents have shifted and drifted to their current positions.

What are two things that you can learn about the earth from looking at the globe?

You can learn about the size and shape of continents and oceans, as well as the geographic locations of different countries, cities, and landmarks by looking at a globe. Additionally, you can understand the tilt of the Earth's axis and how that influences seasons and climate patterns.

What proof did they have that Pangaea is real?

Evidence supporting the existence of Pangaea includes the jigsaw-like fit of continents, similarities in rock formations and fossil evidence across continents, matching mountain ranges on opposite coasts, and similarities in geological structures on different continents. Additionally, studies in plate tectonics have provided further confirmation of the concept of a supercontinent that later broke apart to form the current continents.

What supports the hypothesis of continental drift?

Tropical fossils in Antarctica.

What is theory called that explains how the continents moved apart?

The theory that explains how the continents have moved apart is called plate tectonics. This theory suggests that the Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that move and interact with each other, causing continents to drift over long periods of time. This movement is driven by processes such as seafloor spreading and subduction.

Related questions

What did wegener notice about the continents?

Wegener noticed that the continents appeared to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, especially when looking at the coastlines of South America and Africa. He also observed similarities in rock formations, fossils, and mountain ranges across continents that suggested they were once connected. This led Wegener to propose the theory of continental drift.

What did Wagner propose after looking a rock sequence on different continents?

Wagner proposed the theory of continental drift, suggesting that the continents were once joined together in a single supercontinent called Pangaea. He observed that identical rock sequences and geological structures appeared on different continents, supporting the idea of continental movement over time.

What experiments did Alfred wegener use to surrport his idea on continental dift?

Alfred Wegener used evidence from fossil distributions, rock formations, and the fit of the continents to support his idea of continental drift. He also studied similar plant and animal species on different continents to show past connections.

How did wegner stummble upon the matching continents that formed pangaea?

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of Pangaea by observing how certain continents seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces, noticing similarities in rock formations and fossils on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean. This led him to suggest that the continents were once connected as a single landmass before drifting apart.

When looking a table depicting the genetic code the base sequences signify?

the base sequences signify what genetic code

What is the term describing the process of compare fossils in rock sequences in one area with fossils in rock sequences in other areas in order to relate the sequences with one another?

The term you are looking for is "biostratigraphy." This process involves comparing the fossil assemblages in different rock sequences to establish correlations and determine the relative ages of the rocks. By analyzing the fossils found in these rock layers, geologists can create a chronological framework for different areas.

Whose idea was the continental drift?

I do, looking at the map it does look like a puzzle and all the continents look like they connect or used to connect.

How were the fossil symbols and mountain belts helpful in deciding where tove the continents?

Fossil symbols and similarities in mountain belts across different continents provided evidence for the theory of continental drift, suggesting that the continents were once connected. By looking at the distribution of fossils and rocks across continents, scientists were able to piece together the historical movement and eventual arrangement of the continents.

When looking at a table depicting the genetic code the base sequences signify?

When looking at a table depicting the genetic code, the base sequences signify the specific arrangement of nucleotides that code for amino acids. Each three-letter combination, or codon, represents an amino acid or a start/stop signal. These sequences are the instructions for protein synthesis in living organisms.

What was Columbus looking for when he stumbled onto these continents?

He was looking for a direct route to india.

If you were looking at a real globe what would you have to do to see the other continents and oceans?

you have to spin it to see the continents and the oceans

What was Alfred Wegner's theory?

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift in the early 20th century, suggesting that the continents were once connected in a single supercontinent called Pangaea and have since drifted apart. This theory laid the foundation for the development of the theory of plate tectonics, which explains the movement of Earth's lithosphere.