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Air Pressure.

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2mo ago

Air pressure decreases as elevation increases, leading to lower oxygen levels and thinner air. Temperature can also decrease with elevation due to decreasing pressure and changes in the atmosphere.

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Q: What decreases as elevation increases?
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What is relationship between temperature and elevation?

Temperature decreases as the elevation increases.

Does Air pressure increases as elevation increases?

No, air pressure decreases as elevation increases. This is because as you move higher up in the atmosphere, there is less air above you pressing down, resulting in lower air pressure.

Where is pressure the greatest in the atmosphere?

The troposphere. Pressure decreases as elevation increases.

Temperature vs elevation?

As the altitude or elevation increases the temperature decreases. The temperature drops about 6.5 degree Celsius for every I km increase.

How does the air's capacity to hold water change as elevation increase?

As elevation increases, the air's capacity to hold water decreases. This is because the air pressure decreases at higher altitudes, leading to lower temperatures and less space for water vapor to remain suspended in the air. This is why it's generally drier at higher elevations.

What is the relationship between elevation and temperature?

As a general rule in the atmosphere, the higher the elevation the lower the temperature. However, certain atmospheric conditions may produce an 'inversion', where temperature increases with elevation.

What is the link between elevation and climate?

As the elevation increases, the climate tends to lean towards the colder side. For every 300m elevation, the temperature decreases by 2 degree Celsius.

What happens to the temperature of the air when elevation increases in the troposphere?

As elevation increases in the troposphere, the temperature of the air generally decreases. This is due to the decrease in air pressure with increasing elevation, which leads to the expansion of air and cooling through adiabatic processes.

Is elevation is a factor that affect air pressure?

Yes, elevation is a factor that affects air pressure. As elevation increases, the air pressure decreases because the weight of the air column above decreases. This is why mountainous regions typically have lower air pressure compared to lower elevations.

As elevation increases this becomes thinner?

The atmosphere. As you go higher in elevation, the atmosphere becomes thinner because the air pressure decreases, leading to lower air density.

What According to Bernoulli's principle what characteristics of a moving fluid determines its pressure?


What happens in density of this gases as altitude increases?

As altitude increases, the density of gases decreases because the air pressure decreases with elevation. This means there are fewer gas molecules in a given volume of space at higher altitudes, leading to lower density.