Cloud base refers to the altitude above the ground at which the lowest portion of a cloud is observed. Cloud ceiling, on the other hand, is the height above the ground of the lowest cloud layer covering more than half of the sky. Cloud base is the specific altitude at which a cloud starts, while cloud ceiling is the overall height of the lowest cloud layer in the sky.
nimbostratus cloud
Oktas measure cloud cover, specifically the amount of sky covered by cloud. It is usually measured in eighths, with 0 oktas representing clear sky and 8 oktas representing completely overcast sky.
Fog is actually a cloud that forms near the ground when the air near the surface cools and becomes saturated with moisture. It is essentially a low-lying cloud that can reduce visibility.
Cloud cover can be recorded using a system called oktas. This system divides the sky into eight equal parts and assigns a number from 0 to 8 to indicate the percentage of cloud cover in each part. For example, 0 oktas means clear sky, while 8 oktas means completely overcast. Observers estimate the percentage of cloud cover in each part of the sky and combine the values to determine overall cloud cover.
The cloud was a pillow in the sky.
Cloud base refers to the altitude above the ground at which the lowest portion of a cloud is observed. Cloud ceiling, on the other hand, is the height above the ground of the lowest cloud layer covering more than half of the sky. Cloud base is the specific altitude at which a cloud starts, while cloud ceiling is the overall height of the lowest cloud layer in the sky.
In the sky.
Cirrus is the wispiest cloud.
Lightning occurs when electrical charges between the earth and the sky are equalized. It can strike from the sky to the ground, the ground to the sky, or from cloud to cloud.
From an Old Norse word "sky" meaning "cloud", from Proto-Germanic skeujan, skiwēn ("cloud, cloud cover, haze"), from native heofon (heaven). Which then "sky" became the meaning of "the atmosphere above a certain plain", "the upper atmosphere as seen from the earth's surface".
nimbostratus cloud
The lowest cloud in the sky is known as stratus clouds. They typically form in a blanket-like layer and are found at low altitudes close to the ground.
Lakota has the words mahpiya (a cloud in the sky; sky; heaven) and op'o (a cloud of steam or dust)
Many cloud types can lead to a gray sky. Stratus is one of the more common ones.
The name of Twig's sky father in The Edge Chronicles is Cloud Wolf.
Oktas measure cloud cover, specifically the amount of sky covered by cloud. It is usually measured in eighths, with 0 oktas representing clear sky and 8 oktas representing completely overcast sky.