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ocean fronts

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2mo ago

Cold nutrient-rich waters move up to the ocean's surface through a process called upwelling, which occurs when winds push surface water away from the coast, allowing deeper water to rise and replace it. This upwelling brings nutrient-rich waters from the deep ocean to the surface, supporting the growth of phytoplankton and driving the marine food web.

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Q: What causes cold nutrientrich waters move up to the ocean's surface?
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What makes up the surface waters in the hydrosphere?

Surface waters in the hydrosphere are made up of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and streams. These bodies of water are interconnected through the water cycle, with water evaporating from oceans and lakes, forming clouds, and eventually falling back to the surface as precipitation.

What are the surface waters of the earth called?

Surface waters of the Earth are typically referred to as "water bodies" or "water sources," which include oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and streams. These surface waters play a crucial role in supporting various ecosystems and human activities.

What marks the transition between the warm surface layer and the deep zone of cold water in the oceans?

The transition between the warm surface layer and the deep cold water in the oceans is marked by a distinct boundary called the thermocline. The thermocline is a region where temperature decreases rapidly with depth, signaling the shift from warmer surface waters to cooler deep waters in the ocean.

What happens to the temperature as you go deeper in an aquatic system?

The temperature typically decreases as you go deeper in an aquatic system. This is due to the interaction between sunlight and water, which causes surface waters to be warmer than deeper waters.

What is the relationship between oceans and a hurricane?

Oceans provide the warm waters that fuel hurricanes, allowing them to strengthen and develop. The heat and moisture from the ocean surface are crucial elements for the formation and intensification of hurricanes. Warmer oceans can lead to more powerful and destructive hurricanes.

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What causes cold nutrientrich waters to move up to the oceans surface?

ocean fronts

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What causes cold nutrient-rich waters to move up to the oceans surface?

this is one of my favorites questions because my sisters cusins dog always asked this it is idk

What makes up the surface waters in the hydrosphere?

Surface waters in the hydrosphere are made up of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and streams. These bodies of water are interconnected through the water cycle, with water evaporating from oceans and lakes, forming clouds, and eventually falling back to the surface as precipitation.

What are the surface waters of the earth called?

Surface waters of the Earth are typically referred to as "water bodies" or "water sources," which include oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and streams. These surface waters play a crucial role in supporting various ecosystems and human activities.

Does the interconnected waters or the oceans cover over 70 percent of the earths surface?

Yes, the interconnected waters of the oceans cover over 70% of the Earth's surface. Oceans play a crucial role in regulating the planet's climate, supporting marine life, and providing a source of food and livelihood for many people around the world.

What causes Waters to move up to the ocean surface?

ocean fronts

What limits primary productivity in tropical oceans?

Primary productivity in tropical oceans is primarily limited by nutrient availability, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. Factors such as temperature, light availability, and water movement can also influence primary productivity in tropical oceans. Upwelling events that bring nutrient-rich waters to the surface can enhance primary productivity in these regions.

What marks the transition between the warm surface layer and the deep zone of cold water in the oceans?

The transition between the warm surface layer and the deep cold water in the oceans is marked by a distinct boundary called the thermocline. The thermocline is a region where temperature decreases rapidly with depth, signaling the shift from warmer surface waters to cooler deep waters in the ocean.

In the subtropics the saltiest water is generally at the surface, why?

What causes low salinity in the oceans at high latitudes?In subtropical latitudes, high surface evaporation creates high salinity near the sea surface. In subpolar latitudes, high precipitation creates low salinity near the sea surface. As these waters flow into the ocean interior, they create layers of high and low salinity.

Do seahorses like the cold?

No, they live in warmer waters along coasts in temperate climates and in the oceans of the tropics. They live in shallow waters so they can stay warmer, until winter when they move to deeper waters to avoid the colder surface water.