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in quite county sides because in cities it will have a lot of pollution and in the country side their is no factories polluting the air

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Areas in the UK that are on the western side, such as parts of Wales and Cornwall, tend to have less acid rain compared to eastern regions like London. This is because prevailing winds carry pollution from industrial areas in continental Europe towards the eastern parts of the UK, resulting in higher acid rain levels. Areas further from industrial sources and urban centers are likely to have less acid rain.

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Q: What areas in the UK wouls have less acid rain and why?
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Why does places have more acid rain than others?

Places with more acid rain typically have higher levels of air pollution, such as from industrial activities or vehicle emissions. Factors such as wind patterns, proximity to sources of pollution, and topography can also influence the amount of acid rain a region receives. Areas with higher levels of acid rain also tend to have less alkaline compounds in their soils and water bodies, which can exacerbate the effects of acid rain.

Are there any areas affected by acid rain in Tennessee?

Yes, some areas in Tennessee are affected by acid rain due to pollutants released by industries, vehicles, and agricultural activities. Acid rain can impact water bodies, forests, and other natural ecosystems in the state. Measures are being taken to reduce emissions and minimize the effects of acid rain in Tennessee.

Where has acid rain occurred previously?

Acid rain has been documented in various parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia. Some areas that have experienced significant issues with acid rain include the northeastern United States, Scandinavia, and parts of Southeast Asia. Industrial areas with high levels of air pollution tend to be more prone to acid rain.

What areas of Australia are at that most risk of acid rain?

Areas in Australia with more industrial activities, such as New South Wales and Victoria, are at a higher risk of acid rain due to increased emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Regions downwind from coal-fired power plants and areas with heavy traffic congestion also face a greater risk of acid rain.

Which cities experience the most acid rain?

Cities in regions with heavy industrial activity, such as parts of China and India, often experience significant levels of acid rain due to the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. Urban areas with high traffic levels and emissions can also be prone to acid rain.

Related questions

Is acid rain over?

No. Acid rain still occurs in many areas.

What cities are located in areas with high levels of acid rain?

Cities tend to make their own acid rain.

What is the shape of a raindrop from acid rain?

An acid rain drop is less dense and is more meniscy

What kind of rain is an environmental problem?

Acid rain is the environmental problem in industrial areas.

What is pH of acid rain?

Acid rain has a pH of 5.0 or less. Rain reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and forms a mildly acidic carbonic acid before it becomes rain.

The third less important gas in acid rain?

sulphuric acid

Why does places have more acid rain than others?

Places with more acid rain typically have higher levels of air pollution, such as from industrial activities or vehicle emissions. Factors such as wind patterns, proximity to sources of pollution, and topography can also influence the amount of acid rain a region receives. Areas with higher levels of acid rain also tend to have less alkaline compounds in their soils and water bodies, which can exacerbate the effects of acid rain.

What can you do to have less acid rain?

To stop, or reduce the amount of acid rain, you can shut down factories which make pollution. First, acid rain is made of pollution and rain water. When mixed and let gone, there is acid rain falling from the sky.

What type of rain falls in areas that have air pollution?


How do people die of acid rain?

They don't die from acid rain, it's less acidic than vinegar or Coke

Are there any areas affected by acid rain in Tennessee?

Yes, some areas in Tennessee are affected by acid rain due to pollutants released by industries, vehicles, and agricultural activities. Acid rain can impact water bodies, forests, and other natural ecosystems in the state. Measures are being taken to reduce emissions and minimize the effects of acid rain in Tennessee.

What type of rain can be found in heavily industrial areas with large amounts of air pollution?

Acid Rain