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An ash and cinder volcano, also known as a cinder cone, is typically smaller in size and composed of loose volcanic fragments like ash and cinders. In contrast, a composite volcano, or stratovolcano, is larger, more symmetrical, and made up of alternating layers of lava flows and volcanic ash. Additionally, composite volcanoes have more explosive eruptions compared to ash and cinder volcanoes.

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Q: What are two ways an ash andcinder volcano is different from a composite volcano?
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What are three ways to classify a volcano?

Volcanoes can be classified based on their eruption style (explosive or effusive), shape (stratovolcano, shield volcano, cinder cone, etc.), and location (submarine, intra-plate, or convergent boundary volcanoes).

What process could lead directly to the formation of pumice rock?

Pumice rock forms when molten rock with high gas content cools rapidly, trapping gas bubbles within the rock. This rapid cooling prevents the gas bubbles from escaping, resulting in the porous and lightweight texture characteristic of pumice.

How is magma classified?

Magma is classified based on its silica content, which determines its viscosity and behavior. Magma is typically classified into four main types: basaltic, andesitic, rhyolitic, and dacitic, based on their silica content and mineral composition. These classifications help geologists understand the types of volcanoes and eruptions that can occur.

What are two ways which volcanic mountains might get smaller?

Volcanic mountains can get smaller through erosion, where wind, water, and ice gradually wear down the volcano's surface over time. They can also decrease in size through volcanic collapse, where the eruption of magma causes the structure of the volcano to weaken and collapse inward.

In what ways are conditions on land different from conditions in the environment of water?

Conditions on land differ from conditions in water in several ways. Land typically has more variable temperatures, less buoyancy, lower availability of oxygen, and different nutrient availability compared to water environments. Additionally, land provides a substrate for terrestrial organisms to move and obtain resources in a different manner than aquatic organisms.

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List two ways an ash and cinder volcano different from a composite cone volcano?

I do not

How does a caldera forms?

A caldera is a large depression in a volcano. Most calderas form in one of two ways: by collapse of the top of a composite volcano after the magma chamber is drained.

Compare and contrast composite and cinder cone volcanoes?

Cinder volcanoes have more of funnel shape with a crater like top while a composite volcano simply has an opening at the tip where the lava comes out.

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Intrusive rocks are from the magma INSIDE of the volcano. Extrusive rocks are from the OUTSIDE of the volcano. I don't know 2 other ways but by the way I learned this in 4th grade?!

How many ways are there to resolve a composite into 3 factors?

The answer depends on how many factors the composite has!

What are the different types of volcano classifications?

There are mainly four types of volcano classifications based on their shape and eruption style: stratovolcanoes (composite volcanoes), shield volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, and lava dome volcanoes. Stratovolcanoes have steep sides and explosive eruptions, shield volcanoes have gentle slopes and non-explosive eruptions, cinder cone volcanoes are small and composed of tephra, and lava dome volcanoes are formed by thick lava flows.

Can you die from a volcano?

Yep, several ways. The tricky bit is not dying when you're near a volcano.

What are the vents in a volcano?

Vents in the volcano are passage ways for the magma, steam, and heat to escape the earth.

How many ways can 52 be composite?

One is all it takes.

What are some ways that a volcano can erupted?

by seeing your ugly face

How many ways can a volcano erupt?

There are as many ways as there are volcanoes each one erupts differently and uniquely .

How are earthquakes and volcanoes related?

earthquakes and volcano's are related in some sorts of ways, one of these ways are the damage they do.