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Two kinds of solid structures made by marine animals from minerals they extract from seawater are coral reefs, formed by coral polyps extracting calcium carbonate to build their intricate structures, and mollusk shells, like those of clams and oysters, made from calcium carbonate as well.

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Q: What are two kinds of solid structures made by marine animals from minerals they extract from seawater?
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Useful minerals can be mined from?

Useful minerals can be mined from various sources such as mines, quarries, and seabeds. These minerals are essential for various industries like construction, technology, and manufacturing. Mining operations extract these minerals for use in everyday products and applications.

Describe two ways minerals are mined?

Open pit mining involves digging a large pit in the ground to extract minerals near the surface. This method is used for minerals found in horizontal seams or ore bodies close to the surface. Underground mining involves constructing tunnels and shafts to reach deep-seated minerals. Miners extract the minerals through tunnels and shafts, providing access to ore deposits located far below the surface.

Which all minerals are extracted from open cast mining?

Open cast mining is commonly used to extract minerals such as coal, copper, iron, gold, and bauxite. It is a surface mining technique where the rock or minerals are extracted from the earth through an open pit.

What is a mineral or combination of minerals mined for the production of metals?

Ores are minerals or a combination of minerals that are mined for the production of metals. These ores undergo processing to extract the desired metal through techniques such as smelting or leaching.

What is subsurface mining?

Subsurface mining is a method used to extract minerals and ores that are located deep underground. It involves creating tunnels and shafts to access the deposits and extract the resources. This method is often used when the mineral deposits are too deep to be reached with surface mining techniques.

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What do Coralline Algae Eat?

Coralline algae primarily obtain energy through photosynthesis, using sunlight to make their own food. They extract nutrients from the surrounding seawater, including calcium and other minerals. They do not "eat" in the same way animals do but instead have specialized structures that allow them to absorb these nutrients for growth and survival.

How do marine organisms extract the dissolved oxygen from seawater?

Marine organisms extract dissolved oxygen from seawater through their gills, lungs, or skin. These structures have respiratory surfaces with a large surface area, allowing for efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the surrounding water. Oxygen diffuses from the seawater into the organism's respiratory surface and is then transported to the cells for cellular respiration.

Does a humpback have teeth?

Humpback whales are a species of baleen whale, meaning that they do not have teeth; rather, they have baleen plates that they use to filter seawater and extract small prey animals.

How do miners extract minerals from an ore?

To extract minerals there are three steps. These steps are mining, smelting, refining. First, the ore must be mined. Then it goes to a process where it is smelted to extract the minerals. Finally, it is refined where the mineral is purified.

What is to extract minerals from the ground?


What is haustoria?

Haustoria are specialized structures found in parasitic plants that allow them to extract nutrients from their host plants. These structures penetrate the host plant's tissue and absorb water, minerals, and sugars to support the parasite's growth and reproduction.

Why don't people mine the gold that is in the ocean?

The cost would far ourweigh the benefit to extract the gold from seawater.

What natural resource does Israel extract from the dead sea?


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What is the four natural sources of pigments?

The four natural sources of pigments are plants (e.g., fruits and vegetables), animals (e.g., insects), minerals (e.g., iron oxide), and microorganisms (e.g., bacteria and fungi). These sources are used to extract pigments for various applications, such as in food coloring, cosmetics, and art.

How do shark's breathe I need a biology answer?

Like other fish sharks extract oxygen from sea water as the seawater passes over the shark's gills

Is a mineral a gem or an ore?

Either, or both. Minerals are usually considered gems if they are valuable, attractive and highly pure. Minerals are considered ores if they are used to extract a substance. For example, pure haematite is polished and sold as a gem, while crude haematite is used to extract iron.