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Strip mining, Open pit mining and Mountaintop removal mining

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3w ago

The three types of surface mines are open-pit mines, strip mines, and mountaintop removal mines. Open-pit mines involve extracting minerals from a large, open excavation. Strip mines involve removing layers of soil and rock to expose the resource. Mountaintop removal mines involve removing the summit of a mountain to access the coal seams underneath.

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What kind of mines are open pit and quarry mines?

Open pit mines are surface mines where the ore is extracted from an open pit. Quarry mines are also surface mines, but they specifically focus on extracting construction and industrial materials such as sand, gravel, and limestone for building purposes. Both types of mines involve removing large quantities of rock or minerals from the earth's surface.

What are the types of surface mines?

Strip mining, Open pit mining and Mountaintop removal mining

What are three different kinds of mines?

The three types of mining -strip mining,open pit mining,and shaft mining

What are the three different kinds of mines?

The three types of mining -strip mining,open pit mining,and shaft mining

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Some types of mines include coal mines, gold mines, diamond mines, and copper mines. Mines are typically classified based on the type of mineral or metal being extracted from the earth.

Types of mines?

types of underground mining methods - unsuported(natural suport)mining method -saported(artificial support)mining method - caving method

What are the three types of mining?

Strip mines,Openpit mines & shaft mines

What do mines look like?

Mines can vary in appearance depending on the type and location. Surface mines often appear as large open pits or quarries, while underground mines may have vertical entrances or shafts. Mines may also have associated infrastructure such as processing plants, equipment, and tailings storage areas.

How many types of mines are there in the world?

There are various types of mines in the world, including open-pit mines, underground mines, placer mines, and drift mines. Each type of mine is designed for different geological conditions and extraction methods.

What states have the most surface coal mines?

The states with the most surface coal mines in the United States are Wyoming, West Virginia, and Kentucky. These states have a long history of coal mining and significant reserves of coal, contributing to their high number of surface mines.

How many surface mines?

There are thousands of surface mines worldwide, with the exact number varying depending on the location and type of mineral or resource being extracted. Surface mines are typically used for materials such as coal, metals, and aggregates.