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Using a globe as a model for the Earth can be limiting because it provides a static representation of the planet's surface and may not accurately reflect changes such as erosion, natural disasters, or man-made alterations. Globes also have scale limitations and cannot depict highly detailed features or geographic data that may be needed for specific studies or applications. Additionally, globes are not as easily transportable or easily updated compared to digital mapping technologies.

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Q: What are the limitations of using a globe as a model for the earth?
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What is the weaknesses of using a globe as a model of the earth?

Some weaknesses of using a globe as a model of the Earth include its limited portability compared to flat maps, distortion of land masses near the poles, and difficulty in accurately representing the true size of continents and oceans. Additionally, globes can be bulky and less convenient for detailed or large-scale analysis.

What is one advantage of using a globe?

One advantage of using a globe is that it provides a more accurate representation of the Earth's shape compared to flat maps, as it shows the planet in three dimensions. This can help with understanding the true scale and distances between continents and countries.

Which is the most accurate method of showing the entire surface of the earth?

One of the most accurate methods of showing the entire surface of the Earth is by using a globe, as it represents the planet's spherical shape and provides a three-dimensional view. Another method is by utilizing maps that utilize projections such as the Winkel Tripel projection, which seeks to minimize distortion across the globe's surface. Ultimately, the choice of method depends on the specific purpose and context in which the Earth's surface needs to be depicted.

What is the most accurate way to show earths continents?

The most accurate way to show Earth's continents is using a map projection that minimizes distortions, such as the Winkel Tripel projection or the Robinson projection. These projections aim to balance shape, area, distance, and direction, providing a more accurate representation of the continents compared to other types of projections.

Give and example of a model used in Earth science. explain why models are are particularly important to this field?

One example of a model used in Earth science is climate models, which simulate the Earth's climate system to predict future climate conditions. Models are crucial in Earth science because they allow scientists to understand complex interactions between various Earth systems, such as the atmosphere, oceans, and land surfaces. By using models, researchers can test hypotheses, make predictions, and ultimately improve our understanding of the Earth's dynamics and processes.

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What are three things about earth that are represented by using the globe as a model?

it tells you the country2. tells you the names of the oceans3. shows how the earth is tipped

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How can you show how day and night is caused using a model?

Probably the easiest way is to point a light ( representing the sun ) at a globe ( earth ). The bright side being day and the dark side being night, then you can rotate the globe to show how the different continents move in and out of daylight.

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Model of all or part of Earth's surface as seen from above?

A map is a common model of Earth's surface as seen from above. It represents the physical features of the land, such as mountains, rivers, and cities. Maps are created using cartography techniques and can range from simple representations to detailed topographic maps.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a globe to show the earth's surface?

you need to look and ask people dude

What is the weaknesses of using a globe as a model of the earth?

Some weaknesses of using a globe as a model of the Earth include its limited portability compared to flat maps, distortion of land masses near the poles, and difficulty in accurately representing the true size of continents and oceans. Additionally, globes can be bulky and less convenient for detailed or large-scale analysis.

What are the advantages of using a globe show the earth surface?

One advantage to using a globe is that you can more accurately determine distances than you can with a flat map. Flat maps distort the spherical surface and that distortion can be significant over long distances.

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Size, if a model of an atom was in proportion, the electrons would be very far away from the nucleus

What is one advantage of using a globe?

One advantage of using a globe is that it provides a more accurate representation of the Earth's shape compared to flat maps, as it shows the planet in three dimensions. This can help with understanding the true scale and distances between continents and countries.

How do you write a sentence using globe?

I can't find your continent on this globe.

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