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Sand is a granular material composed of small rock particles, while potting soil is a mixture of organic materials such as peat moss, compost, and perlite. Sand is not a mixture, as it is a single component, while potting soil is a mixture because it contains multiple components blended together. You can tell the difference based on their composition and physical properties.

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Q: What are the difference between sand and potting soil are they both mixtures how do you know?
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What is the difference between an aeolian and eolian environment?

There is no difference; "aeolian" and "eolian" are simply different spellings of the same term. Both words refer to environments or processes related to wind action, such as wind-blown sand dunes or wind erosion.

What is the difference between solar energy and wind energy?

Solar energy is generated by capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity using photovoltaic cells, while wind energy is generated by harnessing the kinetic energy of wind through wind turbines to produce electricity. Solar energy relies on sunlight availability, while wind energy relies on wind speed and consistency. Both types of energy are renewable and clean sources of electricity.

What is the difference between surficial deposit and superficial deposit?

Surficial deposits refer to all deposits found at or near the Earth's surface, including both superficial and sub-surficial deposits. Superficial deposits, on the other hand, specifically refer to those deposits that are easily accessible and near the surface, such as soil, sand, and gravel.

What best explains the difference in temperature between the ocean and the sand?

The difference in temperature between the ocean and the sand is primarily due to the difference in their heat absorption capacities. Water has a higher specific heat capacity compared to sand, so it heats up and cools down more slowly. As a result, the ocean retains heat for longer periods of time compared to sand, leading to differences in temperature between the two.

Give two similarities and one difference between the lithosphere and the crust?

Similarities: Both the lithosphere and the crust are solid and rigid layers of the Earth's structure. They are also both part of the outermost shell of the Earth. Difference: The lithosphere includes the crust and upper part of the mantle, while the crust is only the outermost layer of the Earth.

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Are sand and potting soil both mixtures?

well yes they are if you read in your science book you will find out why

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