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AdvantagesJobs will be available for the people of the are. Disadvantages

Co2, Global warming,Smoke, dust, Bad atmosphere around the area, rising sea level.

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Open cast mining allows for the extraction of large quantities of minerals or ore at a relatively low cost compared to other mining methods. It also results in less environmental disturbance compared to underground mining, as it does not require extensive tunneling. Additionally, open cast mining can be more easily mechanized, increasing efficiency and safety for workers.

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Q: What are the advantages of open cast mining?
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Which all minerals are extracted from open cast mining?

Open cast mining is commonly used to extract minerals such as coal, copper, iron, gold, and bauxite. It is a surface mining technique where the rock or minerals are extracted from the earth through an open pit.

What are the surface and subsurface methods by which coal is commonly mined?

Surface mining methods for coal include strip mining, open-pit mining, and mountaintop removal. Subsurface mining methods involve underground mining techniques such as room and pillar mining, longwall mining, and shaft mining. Each method has its own advantages and challenges in extracting coal from the earth.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of open-pit mining?

Advantages of open-pit mining include lower operational costs, higher production rates, and easier access to minerals. However, it can lead to environmental degradation, safety hazards for workers, and disruptions to local communities. It also has a larger land footprint compared to other mining methods.

What are the advantages of underground mining?

Advantages of Underground Mining are: * It allows minerals to be extracted from deep underground * It doesn't create a mess like open cut or surface mining * Does not affect the physical environment as much as surface mining

What do you mean by opencast mining?

Opencast mining is a surface mining technique where minerals are extracted from the earth by removing the overlaying rock or soil. This method is used when deposits are close to the surface and involves the use of heavy machinery to extract the resources. It is also known as open-pit mining.

Related questions

What are the two main types of mining how do they differ?

Open cast mining and Underground mining.

What are the to main types of mining and how do they differ?

Open cast and Metallic mining.

Which all minerals are extracted from open cast mining?

Open cast mining is commonly used to extract minerals such as coal, copper, iron, gold, and bauxite. It is a surface mining technique where the rock or minerals are extracted from the earth through an open pit.

What technologies are used in mining?

There are some technological methods that are used in mining are:Open-cast mining : Open-cast mining is done when a mineral is located very close to the surface. In the open-cast mining, different minerals are taken out by removing the surface layer. Open-cast mining is famous for coal mining in India and many other countries.Shaft mining : The word 'shaft' refers to deep bores. In the shaft mining, deep bores are created to reach mineral deposits. This is because, these deposits lie at great depths. Petroleum and natural gas are extracted by shaft mining.

What are the different types of mines?

THERE ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF MINING SUCH AS SURFACE MINING,open cast mining, strip mining,alluvial mining,quarrying mining,underground mining,and drilling

Disadvantages and advantages to mining potash?

advantages to mining potash

What are two types of mining?

The two types of mining are Open-cast mining and Underground mining. Underground mining is further divided in to Adit mining and Shaft mining.

What are the surface and subsurface methods by which coal is commonly mined?

Surface mining methods for coal include strip mining, open-pit mining, and mountaintop removal. Subsurface mining methods involve underground mining techniques such as room and pillar mining, longwall mining, and shaft mining. Each method has its own advantages and challenges in extracting coal from the earth.

What are two main types of mining and how are they differ?

What are two main types of mining and how do they differ? Open cast mining, and underground mining. The reason they differ, is because underground mining is where they create shafts that lead to ore beds. Open cast mining, is the opposite of underground mining. I really hope this answer is useful! I love to help people get better at science. I hope I helped you guys! Bye.

A mining process in which rock is stripped away to expose mineral deposits near the surface is?

Strip, surface or open cast mining.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of open-pit mining?

Advantages of open-pit mining include lower operational costs, higher production rates, and easier access to minerals. However, it can lead to environmental degradation, safety hazards for workers, and disruptions to local communities. It also has a larger land footprint compared to other mining methods.

What are the advantages of underground mining?

Advantages of Underground Mining are: * It allows minerals to be extracted from deep underground * It doesn't create a mess like open cut or surface mining * Does not affect the physical environment as much as surface mining