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The two main factors that affect how quickly a coastline erodes are wave energy and the type of rock or sediment present along the coast. Higher wave energy can result in more erosion, while softer rocks or sediments are more easily worn away compared to harder materials.

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Q: What are the 2 main factors that effects how quickly a coastline erodes?
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What are two main factors that effect how quickly a coastline erodes?

the hardness of the rock and the energy of the waves

How does erosion affect how fast a coastline erodes?

Well, since sand is already very eroded rock a coastline would probably be affected more if the coast was rocky. The type of rock also would affect the rate of erosion. Sedimentary rock erodes faster than igneous and metamorphic im pretty sure. hope it helps.

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What determines whether a stream erodes it bottom or its sides?

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It shapes the coast by weathering. Weathering is the action of weather, animals and plants on a rock. The rock is broken down.

How do ocean waves affect your coastlines?

1. Ocean wave effects on coastlines depend greatly on the material composition of the land mass within the coastline. 2. Ocean wave effects on coastlines in this answer is preferred to be separated from the effects from tides, currents and ocean flooding. 3. Land moving effects such as advancing river deltas, and other movements of such as plat-technonics are separate. Two opposite tendencies of wave effect exist for coastlines of sand versus coastlines of rock. A coastline of rock will erode in a chaotic manner dictated by the chaotic composition of the rock's consistent or inconsistent composition of weak rock, and strong rock. The coastline erodes according to that pattern due to wave action almost indiscriminately with one exception concerning wave focusing. Wave focusing occurs when the underwater contours of depth (bathymetrics) become shallow or deeper. Bathymetry effects on waves are analogous to glass lenses effect on light. In the same way light travels slower through denser material like glass, ocean waves travel slower in shallow water than deep water. These effects focus waves energy away from bays and towards points. In this way waves tend toward flattening a coastline by picking up sand near a point and depositing it in a bay. So why aren't all coastlines flat? because of points 1, 2, 3 and the previous paragraph.