A Horizon, B Horizon, C horizon, bedrock, decomposers, earthworms, fertile soil, gardeners horizon, insect larvae, litter, moles, northern forest soils, organisms, plant roots, soil horizon, texture, weathered rock
The following words have to do with earthquakes:magnitudemoonquake (yes, earthquakes on the moon are called moonquakes)quakeshaketremorSee related link for more.
Tornado: A violent, rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. Funnel cloud: A rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that forms before a tornado touches down. Wind speed: The strength of the winds in a tornado, measured in miles per hour. Debris: Objects and materials that are lifted and carried by a tornado's strong winds, causing damage.
Yes, "coseismic" is an earthquake-related vocabulary word that starts with the letter C. It is used to describe phenomena or processes that occur during an earthquake.
Some different soil categories include sandy soil, loamy soil, clay soil, and silt soil. These categories are based on the particle size and composition of the soil, influencing factors such as drainage, aeration, and nutrient availability. Matching plants to the appropriate soil type can help optimize their growth and health.
Some vocabulary for uneven heating includes temperature gradients, hot spots, cold spots, and thermal variations. Uneven heating can lead to inconsistent cooking, inefficiency, and potential safety hazards.
Some vocabulary words in "Flipped" include veranda, nonchalant, convertible, and tiptoe.
vocabulary games is some of words game that used by people especially children for learning vocabulary. the exaple of the game is cross words game.
Some vocabulary words in "On the Devil's Court" include ominous, sinister, mischievous, and enigmatic.
theb vocabulary of the story
Some vocabulary words for a big field could include expanse, vastness, open space, or meadow.
That depends on what grade you are doing the list for. One way to find vocabulary words is to go to google.com or any other search engine and type in the words 'vocabulary list'.
Some vocabulary words found in James Patterson's "I Funny" include comedian, wit, punchline, and stand-up.
Some vocabulary words in the story "The Hands of the Blacks" may include: muttering, rambled, skirmish, procession.
Some vocabulary words from "The Messenger" by Lois Lowry include banished, grotesque, clambered, rueful, and poignant.
Some vocabulary words in "Makato and the Cowrie Shell" include: abundance, barren, despair, endeavor, and hospitality.
amusement and entertainment