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Factors that can lead to weathering include physical forces like wind and water erosion, biological activities from plants and animals, and temperature changes causing freeze-thaw cycles. Chemical reactions from minerals in rocks can also contribute to weathering.

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Q: What are some factors other than acid rain that can lead to weatheing?
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Who proposed double sulphate theory of lead acid accumulators?

The double sulfate theory of lead-acid batteries was proposed by Wilhelm Ostwald in the late 19th century. He proposed that during the discharge of lead-acid batteries, lead sulfate is converted into lead dioxide and sulfuric acid, while during charging, the reverse reaction occurs.

Lead acetate with acid?

When lead acetate reacts with an acid, it forms lead(II) ions and acetic acid. The reaction is as follows: Pb(CH3COO)2 + 2HCl ⟶ PbCl2 + 2CH3COOH Lead(II) chloride is insoluble in water and forms a white precipitate, while acetic acid remains in solution.

How is sulfur used in your everyday life?

Sulfur is used in various ways in everyday life, such as in fertilizers for agriculture, in the production of rubber for tires, in the manufacturing of batteries, and in skincare products for treating acne and other skin conditions. Additionally, sulfur is also used in the production of chemicals, detergents, and certain types of medicine.

Can you put sodium hydroxide into a lead acid battery?

It is not recommended to put sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) directly into a lead-acid battery as it can damage the battery's plates and compromise its performance. Only distilled water or sulfuric acid should be used to maintain the electrolyte level in a lead-acid battery.

What are two harmful effects of acid rain?

Acid rain can damage trees and forests by leaching nutrients from the soil and weakening the trees' ability to withstand other stressors. Acid rain can harm aquatic ecosystems by making lakes and rivers more acidic, which can lead to the death of fish and other aquatic organisms.

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Does ascorbic acid lead to a fishy body odor?

No, ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, does not lead to a fishy body odor. A fishy body odor may be caused by other factors such as diet, certain medications, or medical conditions.

Is a car battery a alkiali or a acid?

Most are lead/acid but there are other types.

Can a lack of a proper father figure lead to homosexuality?

No. No study has ever shown that environment or other external factors can lead to homosexuality.No. No study has ever shown that environment or other external factors can lead to homosexuality.

What is the difference between a lead-acid accumulator and a lead-acid battery?

There is no difference between lead acid accumulator and lead acid battery.

What is sulfuric acid commonly known as?

Sulfuric acid is commonly known as battery acid due to its use in lead-acid batteries for vehicles and other applications.

What is inside a lead acid battery?

sulfuric acid and lead.

What are lead-acid car batteries made from?

lead and acid

What does nitric acid lead to?

Nitric acid lead to nitrates.

Can you replace the sulphuric acid in a lead acid battery with acetic acid or vinegar or any other natural organic acid?

No, it is not recommended to replace the sulfuric acid in a lead acid battery with acetic acid or vinegar. Lead acid batteries require sulfuric acid for proper function due to its chemical properties and conductivity. Substituting with organic acids can damage the battery and lead to inefficient performance. It's best to stick with sulfuric acid for lead acid batteries.

Is acidosis genetic?

Acidosis can be caused by genetic factors, but it can also be caused by other factors such as renal failure, respiratory diseases, diabetes, or medication side effects. In some cases, genetic disorders affecting enzymes involved in acid-base regulation can lead to acidosis.

What is the solute and solvent in lead?

If you mean lead-acid then your answer would be Solute = Lead and some Lead salts. Solvent = conc. Sulfuric acid. Other than that mate, your question doesn't really make sense, in order to have a solute AND a solvent, you need two parts.

What are the ingredients in a battery lead acid?

The "active" ingredients are lead, and sulphuric acid. The other parts are there to keep everything in place and avoid the dangerous acid from spilling (like the plastic cover), and to provide electrical contacts (some metal parts).