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1.Conjugal Family - It consists of a husband and a wife.

2.Nuclear Family - It includes a father,mother and children.

3.Extended Family - It consists of the father,mother,children,grandparents and relatives living together in the same house.

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Sherwood Ritchie

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2y ago
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9y ago

A nuclear family consists of a married couple and their children. For example, i have a nuclear family as i have parents who are married and have children together (my older brother, me and my two younger sisters). hope this helps

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4mo ago

A nuclear family typically consists of a married couple and their dependent children living together in the same household. It is a family structure that is common in many cultures and societies.

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15y ago

Water reactors such as PWR and BWR, and gas-cooled reactors such as AGR and pebble-bed designs.

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What percentage is the nuclear family in the UK?

In the UK, around two-thirds of households consist of a nuclear family, which typically includes parents and their children. This means that the nuclear family makes up a significant portion of family structures in the UK.

Types of family system in Ghana and their roles?

there are mostly two types of family in Ghana . the nuclear and external family. the nuclear family consist of the parent and children and the external family consist of the grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and others. there are also single parenting but not as much.most of these single parents are usually widow or widowers

Does extended family consist of more than one wife?

No. Extended family means that grandparents, cousins, uncles and whatever live under the same roof. As opposed to the nuclear family of parents and children.

How do you use nuclear family in a sentence?

i use nuclear family in a sentence like this i have a nuclear family inside me.

How could you use the word nuclear family in a sentence?

Her mom, dad, and siblings are her nuclear family. She is happy she has a loving nuclear family. His nuclear family was torn apart when his parents divorced.

What a typical family consist of currently?

In today's modern world joint families are becoming extinct. Only nuclear families are in existence. Hence currently we can say that a typical family consists of parents - father and mother, and 2 or 3 children.

How many generation does a nuclear family have?

There are two (2) generations in a nuclear family.

What does the family of uranium consist of?

Uranium is a member of the actinoids family.

What does the sphere of family consist?

the sphere is in the 3rd demension family

What type of family is a mother and father and two children?

A traditional, nuclear, or immediate family.

How does the Nuclear family helps in the development of a country?

How does the Nuclear Family helps in the development of a nation

Is modern family a nuclear family?

I believe the nuclear family is considered to be a couple with 2.5 children. This also may be considered the modern family.