A warm wet tropical forest is called a rainforest.
The Amazon rainforest covers about 60% of Brazil, making it the largest tropical rainforest in the world.
The nickname of tropical rainforests is "lungs of the Earth" because they produce a large portion of the world's oxygen through photosynthesis.
One country with a tropical rainforest along the equator is Brazil. The Amazon rainforest is one of the largest tropical rainforests in the world and spans a significant portion of Brazil's territory.
The tropical rainforest got its name from the consistently warm temperatures and high levels of rainfall that create a humid and lush environment ideal for supporting a wide variety of plant and animal life.
The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest.
The answer of the tropical rainforest is ....
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There is a tropical rainforest nearby
Of course. It`s the largest tropical rainforest on Earth.
what are some recourses in the tropical rainforest
it is in tropical rainforests.
there are no ecosystems in the tropical rainforest
a tropical rainforest is a smelly place
A warm wet tropical forest is called a rainforest.
YES, the Amazon rainforest is a tropical rainforest. If you had been bothered to research it would probably have said that in most websites and books!