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When you hear a weather report that forecasts scattered showers, you might wonder what you can expect. Usually it means that some parts of your area will have rain from time to time during the day or night. Some of the rain might fall where you are, and some of it will fall somewhere else. It will be scattered through the reporting area.

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16y ago
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9y ago

A scattered thunderstorm means the conditions are ripe for thunderstorms but they have not yet formed as one giant mass. These thunderstorms are much smaller, often less intense, and produce less rain. You may have pop up showers of short duration. The area covered is much smaller.

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12y ago

'Scattered showers' means that during the time period, rain showers will be occurring in various parts of the affected region, not in all areas or at the same time.

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3mo ago

Scattered clouds are clouds that cover between 3/8 and 4/8 of the sky. They are not concentrated in one area, but rather spread out across the sky, allowing for breaks of blue sky to be visible.

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15y ago

A scattered thunderstorm is where the thunderstorms are scattered, for instance, they pop up occasionally.

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14y ago

There are storms here and there within that area.

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11y ago

T-storms are thunderstorms abbreviated. Scattered means that thunderstorms means that between 30 and 50 percent of an area will be impacted by thunderstorms

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16y ago

It means occasional clouds

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What does it mean when the clouds in the sky were scattered in the book Hatchet?

When the clouds in the sky are scattered in the book "Hatchet," it typically signifies a clearing of the weather and potentially an improvement in conditions for the protagonist, Brian. It may indicate a shift from stormy or turbulent weather to calmer skies, allowing for better visibility and a sense of hope or relief in the story.

What is the difference between broken and scattered cloud cover?

Broken cloud cover refers to clouds covering between 5/8 to 7/8 of the sky, with distinct breaks in between. Scattered cloud cover refers to clouds covering between 3/8 to 4/8 of the sky, with more gaps and isolated cloud formations.

Is a cloud opaque?

Clouds are not opaque; they are actually translucent. This means that they allow some light to pass through but scatter and reflect most of it. Clouds appear white because sunlight is scattered by water droplets or ice crystals in the cloud.

What colors of light passes most easily through interstellar clouds?

Red light passes most easily through interstellar clouds because it has the longest wavelength and lower energy, making it less likely to be absorbed or scattered by dust particles within the cloud. Blue and violet light, with shorter wavelengths and higher energy, are more likely to be scattered or absorbed.

What happens to solar energy when it reaches the earth is it absorbed reflected or scattered?

When solar energy reaches the Earth, some of it is absorbed by the land, oceans, and atmosphere, some is reflected back into space by clouds and particles, and some is scattered by gases and particles in the atmosphere. This energy is important for driving the Earth's climate system and sustaining life on our planet.

Related questions

What is the end of the phrase The clouds in the sky were scattered therefore... in the book hatchet?

The phrase in "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen reads: "The clouds in the sky were scattered therefore it was warmer than Brian had expected."

Middle clouds which look like scattered white and gray puffs?

Altocumulus clouds typically appear as scattered white and gray puffy clouds in the sky. These clouds are found at middle altitudes, between 6,500 to 20,000 feet, and are often associated with fair weather. Altocumulus clouds can signal changing weather patterns if they thicken and lower in the sky.

How much of the Sun's radiant energy is reflected by clouds or scattered by the atmosphere?


What are fluffy cotten like clouds called?

Fluffy clouds resembling cotton are commonly referred to as "cumulus clouds." These clouds are low-lying, white, and puffy in appearance, often scattered across the sky on a sunny day.

Is Neptune's atmosphere blue and no clouds?

Neptune's atmosphere is blue but it has some clouds. They are like white streaks and are scattered all over the planet Neptune.

How are stars and galexys born?

born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies.

What is the current weather temperature in Nairobi?

11th Aug 2010 15:00 - Scattered clouds 19oC

Why is the sky red when the moon is out?

If you are referring to what occurs at sunset, the light must travel through more of the atmosphere than at daytime. As it travels through more atmosphere, the light is subjected to more and more gas molecules in the air. The result is that more and more blue light is scattered out of the beam of light that eventually reaches your eyes. So Blue is "scattered out" and the part of light that is left over is red, orange and yellow. When the blue has been scattered out, even the clouds which scatter all colors, look reddish. The only color the clouds can reflect, is the color that shines on it. If blue is scattered out, only red will be reflected and scattered off of the clouds and in to your eyes.

What does it mean when the clouds in the sky were scattered in the book Hatchet?

When the clouds in the sky are scattered in the book "Hatchet," it typically signifies a clearing of the weather and potentially an improvement in conditions for the protagonist, Brian. It may indicate a shift from stormy or turbulent weather to calmer skies, allowing for better visibility and a sense of hope or relief in the story.

What is the difference between broken and scattered cloud cover?

Broken cloud cover refers to clouds covering between 5/8 to 7/8 of the sky, with distinct breaks in between. Scattered cloud cover refers to clouds covering between 3/8 to 4/8 of the sky, with more gaps and isolated cloud formations.

What does scattered mean in weather talk?

The word scattered (clouds, showers, thunderstorms) means occurring in separate areas, at random, or not connected and continuous. The next higher occurrence level is "widespread" or more numerous, and the lower occurrence level is widely scattered or less numerous.

Can you give me some descriptive words on clouds?
