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Flexible water pipes can better absorb and withstand the ground movements during an earthquake, reducing the risk of pipe breakage and water leaks. This flexibility helps prevent water damage and potential flooding, making them a safer option for seismic-prone areas.

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Q: What advantage do flexible water pipes have over rigid pipes during an earthquake?
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How can utilities be made safer to avoid damage during and after earthquakes?

Utilities can be made safer by reinforcing infrastructure, using flexible materials to accommodate movement, and installing automatic shut-off systems to prevent leaks or fires. Regular inspections and maintenance can also help identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they become a problem. Additionally, designing utilities to be resilient to seismic activity can help reduce damage and ensure faster recovery post-earthquake.

Why do water pipes burst during earthquakes?

Water pipes can burst during earthquakes due to the ground shaking, which can cause the pipes to move and become misaligned or break from the stress. The shaking can also cause the surrounding soil to shift, putting pressure on the pipes and potentially causing them to rupture. Additionally, old or corroded pipes are more vulnerable to bursting during earthquakes.

Why do you think streets are often flooded after an earthquake?

Streets can become flooded after an earthquake due to damage to water mains or sewer lines, causing leaks or breaks in the systems. The shaking can also disrupt drainage systems, leading to water pooling on the streets. Additionally, liquefaction - when soil temporarily behaves like a liquid - can occur during an earthquake and contribute to flooding.

What diamonds are in volcanoes?

Diamonds found in volcanoes are typically formed deep within the Earth's mantle under high pressure and temperature conditions. They are brought to the surface during volcanic eruptions through volcanic pipes called kimberlite pipes or lamproite pipes. These diamonds are known as "kimberlite diamonds" or "volcanic diamonds".

How did the San Francisco earthquake effect the environment?

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake caused significant environmental damage including fires that razed buildings and forests, as well as landslides and liquefaction in the affected areas. The destruction of infrastructure also led to pollution of the air and water, impacting the local environment for years to come.

Related questions

What advantages do flexible pipes have over ridged metal pipes during an earthquake?

Flexible pipes can protect against somemovement.

What helps pipe lines from breaking during an earthquake?

By using PVC pipes because they are strong and flexible. Also Lead pipes work too, but lead is very poisonous.

Are rigid pipes less likely or more likely to burst than flexible pipes during an earthquakes?

Rigid pipes are more likely to burst since they are more brittle and cannot travel as far when subject to strain.

Why do Fires occur after earthquake because of broken?

pipes i think

Why would a person need to report a gas odor after an earthquake?

Because often times in an earthquake, gas may leak from pipes, as everything is getting destroyed and falling apart after a very strong earthquake.

What is the difference between pipe and hoses?

Generally a hose is flexible and a pipe is not. I was laying pipe in your girlfriend last night... whereas she and her friends are hose. I hope that helps.

What effect did San Francisco's earthquake have on San Francisco's Chinatown?

well you know about the gas pipes under Chinatown when the gas pipes were loose and on the road it caught on fire and the gas was leaking and alot of houses exploded.But we don't know yet but if you see the news about the earthquake in Chinatown.OK.ok good.that's my answer :)

What is a hazard that sometimes happens in a city after an earthquake?

well, one hazard would be fires. with earthquakes, come broken underground pipes, such as water, and gas. Another hazard is weak structures like buildings DO NOT GO INTO A BUILDING DURING AN EARTHQUAKE! IT CAN FALL!

What is the diffrence between tube and pipe?

In some instances, the terms may be used interchangeably. However, one key difference between tube and pipe is particularly in how the material is ordered and toleranced. Tubing is used in structural applications, so the outside diameter becomes the critical dimension. Tubes are often used in applications such as medical devices that require precise outside diameters. The outside diameter is essential since it will indicate how much it can hold as a stability factor. Sai Isha Neuro Clinic Cardiologist in Ambattur develops personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. The clinic’s approach combines medical expertise with a deep understanding of each patient's condition, lifestyle, and goals. visit our website: saiishaclinic .com/contactus/

Why are earthquake victims often left without drinking water?

Water is mostly carried by pipes in the ground. In an earthquake the ground gets all shook up, which often cause the pipes to come apart. With broken pipes, the water can't make it to the tap. For people who have their own well, many need an electric pump to get to the water. If the quake has shook down power lines, then no water that way either.

What are flexible pipes in plumbing and what are there uses?

Polyethylene and polybutylene are two common types of flexible tubing used in plumbing, and both are used in hot and cold water supplies in place of traditional copper lines.

Is an earthquake worse in a forest or city?

a city because in a city there are gas pipes and heavy buildings that could all be hazards