Yuma, Arizona is the lowest recorded average humidity - averaging under 50% for a high and 22% as a low. The next-lowest humidity is Tucson, Arizona. That city posts average high humidity of 57% and a low of 26%.
Florida, Texas, Missouri, Georgia, Louisiana, Hawaii
10 most humid cities
Avg relative humidity in %
1. Quillayute, Washington 83.0 2. Olympia, Washington 78.0 3. Port Arthur, Texas 77.5 4. Lake Charles, Louisiana 77.0 5. Apalachicola, Florida 76.5 6. Gainesville, Florida 76.5 7. Corpus Christi, Texas 76.0 8. Eugene, Oregon 75.5 9. New Orleans, Louisiana 75.5 10. Houston, Texas 75.0
The states with the highest relative humidity are Florida, Texas, and believe it or not Washington. The citities in these states that tend to be the most humid are Key West, Houston and Olympia. You will not feel the humidity nearly as much in Washingon as you will in the Southern states. Hope this helps.
It would be very difficult to pick just one. To name a few, I would say Miami, Houston, Tampa, New Orleans, and Atlanta. Humidity of course not being relative humidity (where 100% occurs everywhere), but the amount of water vapor in the air, which is of course a function of temperature and moisture sources.
The most humid city, out of all 50 states is Phoenix, Arizona. This time of year until mid-to-late October PHX can reach temperatures between 100 and 136 degrees. So, if you plan on going to PHX I suggest you drink lots of water when you're doing "whatever" outside so you don't get dehydrated and get sent to the hospital by the local paramedic or Emergency Response Team (ERT)
New Orleans, Louisiana is known for having some of the highest humidity levels in the United States due to its location near the Gulf of Mexico and its hot, humid climate.
The place with the highest humidity in the world is the Amazon Rainforest in South America, where humidity can reach up to 90-100% due to the dense vegetation and constant rainfall.
Some low humidity places to live in the US include Arizona, Nevada, and parts of southern California. These areas typically have dry desert climates with low humidity levels. Additionally, cities like Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Tucson are known for their low humidity year-round.
in a tropical rainforest
A desert location with hot temperatures, low humidity, and high levels of sunlight will likely have the highest rate of evaporation due to the extreme conditions that cause water to evaporate quickly.
Factors such as low humidity, high temperature, and windy conditions contribute to the highest rate of transpiration in plants. Low humidity creates a larger gradient for water to move from the plant to the atmosphere, high temperatures increase the kinetic energy of water molecules, and windy conditions help remove water vapor from around the plant, promoting transpiration.
Las Vegas.
In 1910, the US city with the highest per capita income was New York City.
New York City
The country with the highest average humidity is Papua New Guinea, with an average humidity of around 85%. Other countries with high humidity levels include Paraguay and the Philippines.
The troposphere has almost all of them.
new york
Alma, Colorado
The Mile High City - Denver, Colorado.
Relative humidity is typically highest in the early morning hours just before sunrise, due to the cooling effect of the nighttime temperatures on air that is already moist.