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Has to be a....

* Solid

-Could not be a liquid or gas-

* Naturally Occurring

-Found in nature, not man made-

* Inorganic

-Is not alive, never was, nonliving-

* Fixed Composition

-Has a chemical mixed formula, most are formed from compounds of two or more elements, some minerals consist of one element ex. Au

* Crystal Form

-A definite structure in which atoms are arranged-


I hope I answered your questions.

That's all my teacher gave me.

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3mo ago

For an object to be classified as a mineral, it must be naturally occurring, inorganic, have a defined chemical composition, possess an ordered internal structure (crystalline), and have characteristic physical properties (color, hardness, luster, etc.).

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13y ago

it has to be inorganic naturally occurring a solid a streak and an exact composition

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11y ago

naturally occurring, inorganic, solid, crystal structure and definite chemical position

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11y ago

to be a mineral it has to be naturaly accuring

inorganic solid definete chemical deposite and forming under ground

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Q: What 5 characteristics must an object have to be classified as a mineral?
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For a rock to be considered a mineral, it must have a definite chemical composition, a crystalline structure, be naturally occurring, be inorganic, and have a solid form. Without meeting all of these characteristics, a rock cannot be classified as a mineral.

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For a substance to be considered a mineral, it must be naturally occurring, inorganic, have a definite chemical composition, be solid, and have a crystalline structure. This means it must form by natural processes in the Earth and possess a repeating atomic arrangement.

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To be classified as a mineral, a solid material must be naturally occurring, inorganic, have a definite chemical composition, and possess a crystalline structure.

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A mineral must be naturally occurring, inorganic, solid, have a crystalline structure, and possess a definite chemical composition.

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What is the five part definition for an object be considered a mineral?

For an object to be considered a mineral, it must be naturally occurring, inorganic, have a defined chemical composition, possess a crystalline structure, and be formed by geological processes.

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