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The two types of faults that create mountains are thrust faults, where rocks are pushed up and over each other, and normal faults, where rocks are pulled apart and one block slides down. These fault movements result in the crust being folded and uplifted, leading to the formation of mountains.

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Q: What 2 types of faults create mountains?
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Three types of faults?

The normal fault, the thrust fault, the transcurrent fault , and the reverse fault.

What is the surface feature produced by crustal movements at a transform plate boundary?

Surface features produced by crustal movements at a transform plate boundary include strike-slip faults and earthquakes. These are caused by the horizontal movement of two tectonic plates sliding past each other. This movement does not typically result in significant volcanic activity or the formation of mountains.

What are facts about faults?

Faults are fractures in the Earth's crust where movement has occurred. They are typically caused by tectonic forces pushing or pulling on the crust. Faults can result in earthquakes when the stress along the fault causes sudden movement.

What are the 4 different types of faults?

The four main types of faults are normal faults, reverse faults, thrust faults, and strike-slip faults. Normal faults occur when rocks are pulled apart, reverse faults form when rocks are pushed together, thrust faults are a type of reverse fault with a low angle, and strike-slip faults involve horizontal movement along a fault line.

How do mountain landforms form?

Mountain landforms form through processes like tectonic plate movement, volcanic activity, and erosion. Tectonic plates colliding or pulling apart can push up the Earth's crust to form mountains. Volcanic eruptions can also create mountains by depositing layers of lava and ash. Erosion from wind, water, and ice can further shape and carve the mountains over time.

Related questions

What type of faults are associated with fault-block mountains?

Fault-block mountains are associated with normal faults, where blocks of crust are uplifted along one side of the fault while the other side drops down. As the movement along the fault continues, it can lead to the formation of a mountain range with steep slopes on one side and gentler slopes on the other.

What 3 major types of folds and 3 major types of faults?

I don't know the three major types of folds only 2 they are anticline and syncline

Three types of faults?

The normal fault, the thrust fault, the transcurrent fault , and the reverse fault.

What are three types of faults in Earth science?

Three types of faults in Earth science are normal faults, reverse faults, and strike-slip faults. Normal faults occur when rocks are pulled apart, reverse faults occur when rocks are pushed together, and strike-slip faults occur when rocks slide past each other horizontally.

Different types of fold mountains?

1. Block mountains. 2. Fold mountains. 3. Residual (erosional) mountains. 4. Tectonic mountains. 5. Volcanic mountains.fault, folded and volcanic are three of them

What are 3 different types of earthquakes?

(1)mid ocean spreading ridges, (2) subduction zones, and (3) transform faults.

What are the three types of mountain's?

the three types of mountains are 1.fold mountain 2.volcanic mountain 3.block mountain

Where do faults usually occur along?

Faults usually occur along tectonic plate boundaries, where the plates are constantly moving and interacting. The movement of these plates can create stress within the Earth's crust, leading to the development of faults. Additionally, faults can also be found in areas of high seismic activity, such as near volcanoes or in regions with a history of earthquakes.

What is the surface feature produced by crustal movements at a transform plate boundary?

Surface features produced by crustal movements at a transform plate boundary include strike-slip faults and earthquakes. These are caused by the horizontal movement of two tectonic plates sliding past each other. This movement does not typically result in significant volcanic activity or the formation of mountains.

What are facts about faults?

Faults are fractures in the Earth's crust where movement has occurred. They are typically caused by tectonic forces pushing or pulling on the crust. Faults can result in earthquakes when the stress along the fault causes sudden movement.

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