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Sun and interior of Earth (core)

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2mo ago

The hydrologic cycle is powered by solar energy, which drives evaporation and precipitation. The tectonic cycle is powered by heat from the Earth's interior, which drives plate tectonics and volcanic activity.

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What are movements of the earth crust and mantle called?

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One very popular wind powered vehicle is called a land yacht. Just do a google search for "land yacht" or "land yacht kits". There are both kits and plans available from a number of sources.

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They are called tectonic or lithospheric plates.

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The process in the hydrologic cycle that snow undergoes is called "precipitation." This is when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into ice crystals and falls to the ground as snow.

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This evaporation and condensation of water is called the Hydrologic cycle or Water cycle.

Whta is a hydrologic cycle?

Horologic cycle is the continuous rotation of water. Horologic cycle is also known to be called a water cycle.

What can tectonic plates also be called instead of tectonic plates?

Tectonic plates are also "Continental Crust" and "Oceanic Crust". Also lithospheric plates.

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The tectonic plate you live on is called?

The tectonic plate that most people live on is called the "Eurasian Plate," which covers a large portion of Europe and Asia.