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Carboniferous period, which spanned from about 360 to 300 million years ago. This period was characterized by extensive swampy forests, where plant material accumulated and eventually transformed into coal due to geological processes like burial, heat, and pressure over millions of years.

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Q: The great coal deposits of the northern hemisphere formed during the?
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Evaporations that made the salt deposits in Syracuse New York and Detroit Michigan?

The salt deposits in Syracuse, New York, were formed from the evaporation of seawater during the Devonian Period around 400 million years ago. In Detroit, Michigan, the salt deposits were formed from the evaporation of seawater in the Michigan Basin during the Silurian Period around 400-425 million years ago. This process left behind layers of salt that eventually became the salt deposits found in these locations today.

When is alluvial formed?

Alluvial deposits are formed when water transports and deposits sediment, such as sand, silt, and gravel, in low-lying areas like riverbeds, floodplains, and deltas. These deposits accumulate over time as the water flow decreases and the sediment settles.

What large deposits of rocks formed by evaporation form only in what climate?

Large deposits of rocks formed by evaporation, such as salt deposits, typically form in arid or desert climates where the rate of evaporation exceeds the rate of precipitation. The lack of rainfall allows water to evaporate leaving behind concentrated mineral deposits.

Ask us anythingWhich best explains how coal deposits formed?

Coal deposits formed millions of years ago from the remains of ancient plants and organic material that were buried under sediments and subjected to heat and pressure. This process, known as coalification, transformed the plant material into coal over time. The type of coal formed depends on factors such as the amount of heat and pressure applied during the process.

What is the rock formed as a result of deposits from weathering and erosion?

Sedimentary rock is formed from deposits of weathered and eroded materials that accumulate and eventually lithify into rock over time. Examples include sandstone, limestone, and shale.

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Laurasia and Gondwanaland formed during the late Carboniferous period, around 300 million years ago, through the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea. Laurasia was located in the northern hemisphere, while Gondwanaland was in the southern hemisphere.

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How were coal deposits formed in western Canada during mesozoic era?

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Temperate forests correspond to forest concentrations formed in the northern and southern hemisphere, or in temperate regions.

A rock formed by deposits of shell fragments?

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Which continents were part of laurissa?

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When is the best time to view cygnus?

The best time to view the Cygnus constellation is during the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere. Cygnus is a prominent constellation that is visible in the evening sky during this time, and can be seen high overhead. Look for the distinctive Northern Cross shape formed by its brightest stars.

What is sedimentary rock is formed from clay deposits?

Claystone, and shale are sedimentary rocks formed from lithified deposits of clay.

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