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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the type of energy from the Sun that causes sunburn on Earth. UV radiation, specifically UVB rays, can penetrate the skin and damage cells, leading to inflammation and redness commonly associated with sunburn.

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Q: The following types of energies that the Earth receives from the Sun which type of energy causes sunburn?
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What waves can causes sunburn?

Ultraviolet (UV) waves cause sunburn.

What kind of light causes sunburn?

Ultraviolet light causes sunburn

What are the causes of sunburn treatment?

The causes of sunburn treatment are obviously having a sunburn. Over exposure to the sun will cause you to become sunburnt. It is important to put sunscreen on if you are planning to be exposed to the sun.

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Too much sun

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Sun burn

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What causes the skin on your back to change from white to brown?

Get to a doctor. Possible causes range from sunburn to cancer.

What causes a tan to result after a sunburn?

An exposure substantial enough to result in a mild sunburn will be followed by melanin producing a tan that may last a few weeks.

What causes your kin to get so red during a sunburn?

My kin are not red, they're white.

What wave causes sunburn?

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the primary cause of sunburn. Specifically, UVB rays are mostly responsible for causing sunburn by damaging the outer layers of the skin. It is important to protect the skin from UV exposure to prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.

Which type of energy cause sunburn?

Do you mean 'Which electromagnetic wave in the electromagnetic spectrum causes sunburn? The answer is Ultraviolet (UV), which is what is used in sunbeds and therefore damages and colours your skin cells.