The distance from the ground to the base of clouds can vary depending on the type of cloud and the atmospheric conditions. On average, clouds can form at altitudes ranging from a few hundred feet to over 30,000 feet above the ground. For example, cumulus clouds often form at lower altitudes, while cirrus clouds can be much higher up in the sky.
Stratus clouds are typically lower clouds that form at altitudes between 2,000 to 7,000 feet above the ground.
Stratus clouds are found closer to the ground compared to cirrus clouds. Stratus clouds are low-level clouds that typically form below 6,500 feet, while cirrus clouds are high-level clouds that form above 20,000 feet.
Rain falls to the ground from clouds when water droplets in the clouds combine to form larger droplets that become heavy enough to fall due to gravity.
Lightning typically travels from clouds to the ground, but it can also occur between clouds or within a cloud. This happens when electrical charges build up in the clouds and discharge towards the ground, creating a lightning strike.
To be classified as a tornado, a funnel cloud must reach the ground. Funnel clouds that do not reach the ground are typically referred to as non-tornadic funnel clouds.
any water that fallls to the ground evaperates into the clouds
The types of clouds in order from closest to the ground to farthest from the ground are: Stratus clouds Cumulus clouds Cirrus clouds
a couple of hundred meters above sea level (can be less or more)
There is no set size for a wedge tornado. Generally a wedge tornado is one that appears to be wider than the distance from the clouds to the ground and the height of the clouds can vary.
Is called precipitation.
The clouds are part of Earth's atmosphere, which extends up to about 10 miles (16 kilometers) high. The Sun is much farther away, located approximately 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) from Earth.
A wedge tornado is a tornado that is very large, usually one that is wider than the distance between the clouds and the ground.
the answer is fog..To be mo scientific its called Stratus clouds.
Stratus clouds are typically lower clouds that form at altitudes between 2,000 to 7,000 feet above the ground.
The moisture in the ground combines with the the air to make water vapor, therefore creating clouds at ground level.
Actually they do fall to the earth. Clouds are drops of water and when it rains, snow, hails, or if there is any sleet it is cloud falling through the ground.