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Fog or clouds.

when they collide they grow in size and becomes rain.

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Those are known as water droplets, formed from the condensation of moisture in the air. This occurs when warm air comes into contact with a cooler surface, causing the air to release its moisture in the form of liquid droplets.

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What word means water vapor that has condensed into small droplets near ground level?

The word you're looking for is "fog". Fog is a type of low-lying cloud made up of water droplets that have condensed from the air.

What is Moisture condensed from the atmosphere?

Moisture condensed from the atmosphere refers to the process where water vapor in the air cools and transforms into liquid water droplets. This can occur when the air temperature drops, causing the water vapor to condense and form dew, fog, or clouds.

What are condensed moisture suspended in air molecules-for example stratus and cirrus?

Condensed moisture suspended in air molecules are known as clouds. Stratus clouds are layered and can bring overcast conditions, while cirrus clouds are wispy and high-altitude clouds often indicating fair weather. Both types of clouds consist of water droplets or ice crystals that have condensed from water vapor in the atmosphere.

What essential ingredient of weather do things like clouds rain and storms depend on?

Moisture is the essential ingredient that clouds, rain, and storms depend on. Moisture in the atmosphere, condensed into droplets within clouds, leads to the formation of rain. Storms are fueled by moisture and warm air rising rapidly in the atmosphere.

How does the gas form of water vapor differ from a cloud?

Water vapor is the gaseous state of water molecules in the atmosphere. A cloud is composed of tiny water droplets or ice crystals that have condensed from water vapor onto particles in the air. Essentially, a cloud is a visible mass of condensed water vapor in the atmosphere.

Related questions

What is condensed water droplets held suspended in the air?

Condensed water droplets held suspended in the air are known as fog. Fog forms when the air near the ground becomes saturated with water vapor, causing the water vapor to condense into tiny droplets that linger in the air.

What is moisture condensed from the atmosphere in small drops upon cool surface?

That is called condensation. It occurs when warm air contacts a cold surface, causing the air to cool and the water vapor to condense into liquid water droplets.

What forms droplets?

Liquids can form droplets when they are separated from a larger body of liquid due to surface tension. This commonly occurs when water condenses from vapor to form raindrops or when a liquid is dispensed from a nozzle.

What is moisture in the air called?

Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapour and then be heavy enough to fall, under gravity.

What do clouds contain?

Clouds are composed of water droplets or ice crystals that have condensed around tiny particles in the atmosphere, such as dust, pollutants, or salt. They also contain air and varying levels of moisture.

What is a cloud and how is it formed?

A cloud is a mass of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Clouds form when warm air rises, cools, and reaches its dew point, causing water vapor to condense into visible droplets or ice crystals around particles in the air, like dust or pollution.

What is the moisture in the air?

Moisture in the air is commonly referred to as humidity. It is the amount of water vapor present in the air. Humidity levels can vary based on factors such as temperature, location, and weather conditions.

Numerous microscopic water droplets which have condensed on dust and float in the air form what?

This forms a mist or fog, which is a collection of tiny suspended water droplets in the air.

Fog droplets remain suspended in the air because the what?

Fog droplets remain suspended in the air because the air is saturated with moisture, creating a condition where the droplets do not evaporate easily. This saturation of moisture allows the droplets to stay suspended and form the fog that we see.

What does dew mean?

Water droplets condensed from the air, usually at night, onto cool surfaces

Why do we see water droplets on the outer surface of a glass containing ice-cold water?

That is because warm air outside the glass contains moisture and that moisture condenses on cold surfaces since cold air on the glass surface cannot hold as much moisture as warm air. It is the same effect as fog on the bathroom mirror after running a hot shower.

What is saturating the air when the weather is humid?

Moisture (water droplets) is saturating the air when the weather is humid.