I don't think the ocean produces nitrogen or oxygen for that matter. Nitrogen comes from fusion (in a star, hydrogen turns into helium, which in turn changes into heavier elements). The ocean may store some nitrogen as a dissolved gas and nitrogen in the form of compounds such as NH3 and other soluble salts.
Most of the world's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton in the ocean through the process of photosynthesis. Land plants also play a significant role in oxygen production.
The Amazon rainforest produces an estimated 20% of the world's oxygen. This equates to approximately 6% of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere being produced by the Amazon annually.
New Caledonia is the island that produces 25 percent of the world's nickel.
Nearly two-thirds of the world's known coal reserves are located in just four countries: the United States, Russia, China, and Australia.
About 68.7% of the world's fresh water is stored in glaciers and ice caps, making it frozen.
43 percent
Vietnam produces 14.3 percent of world's total coffee produced. It is second on the list after Brazil that produces almost 80 percent.
Asia is home to about 55% of the worlds population.
25.5 percent
India does.....
Forty percent of the worlds population have pets at home.