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Mount Pinatubo is a stratovolcano, which is characterized by having a tall, conical shape with steep sides. Stratovolcanoes like Pinatubo typically have explosive eruptions and are associated with magma that is high in silica content, resulting in thick and viscous lava flows.

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Q: Mount Pinatubo in Philippines is what type of volcano?
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What rock type is found at mount Pinatubo?

Mount Pinatubo is predominantly composed of andesite, which is an intermediate volcanic rock type. This rock type is typically associated with explosive volcanic activity due to its high silica content.

What best describes the composition of the magma that erupts at Mount Pinatubo in the Phillippines?

The magma that erupts at Mount Pinatubo is mainly dacitic in composition, which is a type of intermediate magma that is rich in silica. This type of magma typically leads to explosive eruptions due to its high viscosity and gas content.

What type of eruption produces a viscous magma containing 53 percent silica and a gas content of 2 percent?

A type of eruption that produces a viscous magma with 53 percent silica and a gas content of 2 percent is typically associated with a stratovolcano or a composite volcano. These eruptions are explosive due to the high viscosity of the magma, leading to the buildup of gas pressure before an explosive release. Example volcanoes with this type of eruption style include Mount St. Helens in the United States and Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.

What type of volcanoe is Mt St Helen?

Mount St. Helens is a stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano. This type of volcano is characterized by its steep slopes and explosive eruptions due to a mixture of lava flows and pyroclastic material.

What type of volcano is Mount Mahuja?

Mount Mahuja is a stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano. These are characterized by their steep-sided symmetrical cones and explosive eruptions due to the high viscosity of the magma. They typically alternate between explosive and effusive eruptions.

Related questions

Is Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines a fold or block mountain?

Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines is a stratovolcano, which is a type of volcano formed from repeated eruptions of lava, ash, and other volcanic materials. It is not a fold or block mountain.

What volcano type is Mount Pinatubo?

Mount Pinatubo is a stratovolcano or composite volcano. The last eruption happened in 1993

What type of volcan is mount Pinatubo?

Mount Pinatubo is a Stratovolcano or also known as Composite Volcano

What type of volcanoe is mount Pinatubo?

Mount Pinatubo is a stratovolcano or composite volcano. The last eruption happened in 1993

How many people where killed in the mount Pinatubo lahar?

About 300 people were killed in the 1991 Mount Pinatubo lahar disaster in the Philippines. The lahar, which is a type of volcanic mudflow, was triggered by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo. It caused widespread destruction in the surrounding areas.

What type of eruption did mount Pinatubo have?

Mount Pinatubo had a Plinian eruption, which is a violent and explosive type of volcanic eruption that releases a large volume of gas, ash, and volcanic rock into the atmosphere. The eruption in 1991 was one of the largest eruptions of the 20th century.

What type of magma does mount Pinatubo have?

Mount Pinatubo primarily erupts dacitic magma.

What type of lava from Pinatubo?

It is a Composite Volcano (Stratovolcano) and is located in the Philippines

What type of mountain is MT. Pinatubo composite?

yes Mt Pinatubo is a composite volcano

What type is Mt Pinatubo volcano?

Composite, or Stratovolcano

Is Mount Pinatubo a shield volcano a composite volcano or a cinder cone volcano?

Mount Pinatubo is a composite volcano, also known as a stratovolcano. It is characterized by its steep symmetrical cone shape and explosive eruptions caused by the combination of lava flows and pyroclastic material.

Mount Pinatubo and mount fuji are examples of what type of mountains?
