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the Earth's mantle. As temperatures increase with depth, rocks partially melt to form magma. This magma can rise towards the surface through volcanic activity.

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What type of magma forms the most exlosive volcanoes?

Gaseous thick magma equals massive explosion.

What does most magma forms from?

Most magma forms from the partial melting of Earth's mantle rocks. As these rocks are subjected to high temperatures and pressures in the mantle, certain minerals melt at different temperatures, leading to the formation of magma.

WhAT Magma type most often forms at hot spots?

Pahoehoe lava

What magma is the most abundant of erupted at oceanic spread centers?

The most abundant type of magma erupted at oceanic spread centers is basaltic magma. This type of magma has low viscosity and forms in the mantle part of the Earth that are high in iron and magnesium.

Why rock is heated forms magma?

The rock melts, just like most other solids do when heated. Magma is to rock as water is to ice.

What layer of the earth does most magma originate?

Most magma originates in the asthenosphere, which is a semi-fluid layer located in the upper mantle. Magma forms here due to the high temperatures and pressures that facilitate the melting of rock.

What forms when rocks or minerals partially or completely melt?

Lava and magma are two forms of melted rocks

Granite and what are made when magma cools?

Granite and basalt are made when magma cools. Granite forms from slow-cooling magma underneath the Earth's surface, while basalt forms from rapidly-cooling magma on the surface.

What happens when magma flows in a horizontal direction along rock layers?

The magma forms sills and magma chambers.

When magma cools slowly what is the rock that forms?

When magma cools slowly, it forms igneous rocks such as granite or diorite, which have large mineral crystals because they had time to grow as the magma solidified.

True or false magma forms in the lithosphere?

False. It forms in the Athenosphere!!

Can landforms be made of magma?

Yes magma cools down and forms a harder rock.