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Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are materials from Earth that cannot be replaced within a reasonable amount of time. Other examples include rare earth metals and certain types of soil and sand. Once depleted, these resources take millions of years to form again.

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Q: Materials from earth that cant be replaced within a reasonable amount of time?
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Is a renewable resource one that cannot be replaced?

No, a renewable resource is a resource that can be replenished naturally within a short period of time, such as sunlight, wind, and forests. These resources are not depleted when used, making them a sustainable option for energy and materials.

Why does some earth materials hold more water than others?

Earth materials vary in their capacity to hold water due to differences in their porosity and permeability. Porosity refers to the amount of pore space within a material, while permeability describes how easily water can flow through it. Materials with high porosity and permeability, such as sand and gravel, can hold more water compared to materials with low porosity and permeability, such as clay and bedrock.

What is the difference between porosity and permeability in subsurface materials?

Porosity refers to the amount of pore space within a material, while permeability refers to the ability of fluids to flow through that material. Materials can have high porosity but low permeability if the pore spaces are not interconnected or are blocked, which would inhibit fluid flow. Conversely, materials with high permeability typically have interconnected pore spaces that allow fluids to flow easily.

Is coal a renuable or nonrenuable?

Coal is a nonrenewable energy source because it is formed over millions of years from plant material that has been subjected to heat and pressure. Once coal is mined and burned to produce energy, it cannot be replaced within a human lifespan.

How materials are cycled within the earth system?

Materials are cycled through the Earth system in various ways. For example, the water cycle involves the movement of water between the atmosphere, oceans, and land. The carbon cycle involves the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, plants, animals, soil, and oceans. These cycles are essential for maintaining balance and supporting life on Earth.

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A resource that can be replaced naturally within a reasonable time period.

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A resource that can be replaced naturally within a reasonable time period.

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Why is oil a non renewable?

A renewable resource refers to something that humans or nature can produce more of in a relatively short time. "Short time" generally means within a human lifespan. Oil (and all fossil fuels) is produced via a geological process that takes millions of years. Thus, while humans can extract more oil from existing deposits in the earth, there is a finite amount available now, and it cannot be replaced within a reasonable amount of time.

Why is oil a non renewable resources?

A renewable resource refers to something that humans or nature can produce more of in a relatively short time. "Short time" generally means within a human lifespan. Oil (and all fossil fuels) is produced via a geological process that takes millions of years. Thus, while humans can extract more oil from existing deposits in the earth, there is a finite amount available now, and it cannot be replaced within a reasonable amount of time.

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