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Yes, wood is considered organic matter because it is derived from living organisms (trees) and composed of complex molecules containing carbon.

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Q: Is wood an organic matter
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What organic matter decomposes the slowest?

Lignin is a complex organic compound found in plants that decomposes very slowly due to its rigid and complex structure. It is a major component of wood and is resistant to decay by microorganisms, making it one of the slowest organic materials to decompose.

What is the organic matter on top of the soil?

The organic matter on top of the soil is known as mulch. Mulch can consist of various materials such as leaves, grass clippings, straw, wood chips, or compost. It helps retain soil moisture, suppress weed growth, and provides nutrients to the soil as it breaks down.

What is Persentag of organic matter in watermelon?

Watermelon is primarily composed of water, so it contains a low percentage of organic matter. The organic matter in watermelon includes sugars, fibers, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to its nutritional value and taste. On average, watermelon contains around 6-7% organic matter.

The main source of organic matter in soil is what Water plants fungi bacteria?

Plants are the main source of organic matter in soil. When plants die or shed leaves, roots, and other parts, they contribute organic material to the soil, which decomposes and becomes part of the soil organic matter.

How does organic matter get into the soil?

Organic matter gets into the soil through the decomposition of plants, animals, and other organic materials. This process is carried out by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and earthworms, which break down the organic material into nutrients that can be absorbed by plants. Organic matter also enters the soil through the addition of compost, manure, and plant residues.

Related questions

Is wood a nonmetallic mineral source?

Wood is an organic matter and there for not a mineral. Although some organic life forms can produce minerals.

How do fungi get energy from wood?

Fungi gets its energy from substances by absorbing the nutrients that the organic matter has. It doesn't just have to be wood, it can be any kind of organic matter, but it has to absorb the nutrients that the wood has to be able to live and reproduce. I a little!

Is cellulose(wood) organic or inorganic?

Cellulose, which is found in wood, is considered organic because it is derived from living matter. It is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, which are the building blocks of organic compounds.

Is there organic wood?

All wood is "organic".

What is Energy from organic matter called?

Energy from organic matter is typically referred to as bioenergy. It is produced from biomass sources such as wood, crop residues, and organic waste through processes like combustion, fermentation, and anaerobic digestion. Bioenergy is considered renewable because the organic matter used to produce it can be replenished through natural processes.

What is made when fuels such as wood or coal are burned?

Carbon dioxide and oxides of other elements that are found in organic matter.

Is Wood organic or inorganic?

Yes wood is made form trees and treas are organisms so wood is of organic origin.

Is wood organic or inorganic material?


Is cellulose wood organic?

Cellulose is organic.

Energy stored in wood and coal came from the same source what is it?

Both wood and coal are derived from organic matter that originally came from plants. This organic matter stored energy from the sun through photosynthesis, which is then released when the wood or coal is burned as fuel.

What is English of uling?

The English translation of "uling" is charcoal. It is a black substance formed by burning wood or other organic matter in the absence of air.

What has the author Cyril Warcup Wood written?

Cyril Warcup Wood has written: 'Organic chemistry' -- subject(s): Chemistry, Organic, Organic Chemistry