The changing of water to steam is a physical change because it is still water, but only in a different state. The steam can change back into water which is a reversible change. Chemicals changes cannot change back. They are permanent.
The change of water into steam is a physical change. This is because the molecules of water are simply being rearranged into a different state (liquid to gas) without undergoing any chemical reactions.
The change from water to steam is a physical change. It involves a change in the physical state of the substance without any alteration in its chemical composition. The water molecules are still the same, they are just being converted from a liquid to a gas state.
Heated oil turning brown is a chemical property because it involves a change in the chemical composition of the oil due to the process of oxidation.
The reaction of copper with heat is a physical change because no new substances are formed. When copper is heated, it undergoes a change in state from solid to liquid without changing its chemical composition.
It is a physical change. A physical change involves changing a substance only in its appearance, smell, taste, feel, or sound. A chemical change involves changing what makes up the substance or the way the substance reacts with other substances. When a normal platinum wire is placed over a flame, it glows. This is a physical change because the things that make up the platinum have not been changed, but the appearance has changed.
physical only, you are only changing its state, not its composition.
It is a physical change
Roasting a marshmallow is a physical change, not a chemical change. The marshmallow undergoes a change in its physical state as it is heated, but its chemical composition remains the same.
It would be chemical.
The change of water into steam is a physical change. This is because the molecules of water are simply being rearranged into a different state (liquid to gas) without undergoing any chemical reactions.
`A physical change is one in which matter is changed into another physical state without changing its chemical constitution(eg-ice melts to water,in both case substance is H2O).A chemical change is where there is a chemical change of the substance during the process(eg-CaCO3 is heated to form CO2 and CaO,here the new substance formed is unrelated chemically to parent substance.)
The change from water to steam is a physical change. It involves a change in the physical state of the substance without any alteration in its chemical composition. The water molecules are still the same, they are just being converted from a liquid to a gas state.
Heated oil turning brown is a chemical property because it involves a change in the chemical composition of the oil due to the process of oxidation.
When ice melts and becomes a liquid it is a physical change. When the liquid boils and becomes gaseous it is a physical change. It is a chemical change when the molecular structure has been changed in some way, here it has not.
The reaction of copper with heat is a physical change because no new substances are formed. When copper is heated, it undergoes a change in state from solid to liquid without changing its chemical composition.
It is a physical change. A physical change involves changing a substance only in its appearance, smell, taste, feel, or sound. A chemical change involves changing what makes up the substance or the way the substance reacts with other substances. When a normal platinum wire is placed over a flame, it glows. This is a physical change because the things that make up the platinum have not been changed, but the appearance has changed.