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Wave erosion has been an ongoing process on Earth for millions of years, shaping Coastlines and landforms. It is a natural process driven by the energy and movement of waves along coastlines and is influenced by factors such as the strength of waves, coastal geology, and sea level changes.

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Q: Is the process of wave erosion a relatively new phenomenon on earth?
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What process destroys Earth's surface?

Erosion is a natural process that gradually wears away Earth's surface through the action of wind, water, ice, and other environmental factors. Over time, erosion can reshape landscapes and alter the surface of the Earth.

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The weathering of the Earth's surface is called erosion. Erosion is the process by which soil and rock are removed and transported by wind, water, or ice.

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Uplift replaces rocks on Earth's surface lost the process of erosion.

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Erosion is a slow process of change to the Earth's surface caused by the wearing away of rock and soil through wind, water, and other natural forces over time.