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The Earth itself is not luminous. It reflects sunlight that hits its surface, which gives it the appearance of being illuminated. The Earth does not generate its own light like the sun or other luminous objects.

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Is the earth luminous or non-luminous?

The Earth is non-luminous, meaning it does not produce its own light. The light we see on Earth comes from sources such as the Sun, the Moon, and artificial lighting.

Is Jupiter a luminous or non luminous planet?

Jupiter is not luminous in that it emits light, it reflects the Suns light so that it is visible to us on Earth. See also Albedo.

Why is earth an non luminous object give resons?

It is a non luminous object because it does not give out it's own light !

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The Earth and Moon are both considered non-luminous objects, meaning they do not produce their own light. Instead, they reflect light from the Sun that hits their surfaces.

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sun (a luminous object) emits its own light and the moon ( a non luminous object ) reflects the light from the sun to earth that's how we can see the moon. The same way gold is a non luminous object.

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Planets( Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) and also Moons are Non-Luminous objects they don't emit light. The reason we see them because they reflect light from the Sun.

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Halley's Comet is non-luminous itself; it does not emit light like a star. However, it becomes visible in the night sky as sunlight reflects off its surface, making it appear luminous to us on Earth.

Why and how are various celestial objects luminous and non luminous?

Luminous objects are those which can produce or give out light of their own, while non-luminous objects cannot produce or give out their own light. Some examples of luminous objects would be the sun, stars, fireflies, glowworms and some deep sea fish Some examples of non-luminous objects would be the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and also Moons.

Are satellites luminous or non-luminous?

Non-luminous. Objects which produce light of their own or give out or emit their own light are called luminous objects. Objects which do not produce light of their own, on the other hand, are called non-luminous objects. Luminous objects are objects like stars, sun and other celestial bodies which give out their own light. Objects surrounding us are not such light emitting objects. Therefore, we are surrounded by non-luminous objects.

Is a volcano erupting luminous or non luminous?

It is luminous

Is table luminous or non luminous?

It's non-luminous

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