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I have a better answer: the definition for a compound is a substance that contains two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion. Water is made up of two elements called hydrogen and oxygen. Therefore it's a compound not a mixture.


tap water has other impurities within it - such as microscopic particles unknown to our eyes. so therefore it is a homogeneous mixture - not a compound.

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Water is not usually considered an ionic compound. However, even pure water contains very small concentrations of ions, from the spontaneous dissociation of water into hydronium and hydroxide ions.

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Q: Is tap water an element or a compound or mixture?
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Is tap water an element or compound or homogeneous mixture?

Tap water is a compound.

Is Tap water compound or element?

Tap water is a mixture. It is water with some impurities.

Is tap water an element a substance a compound or a mixture?

Tap water is not a pure substance because it is mixed with chemicals that purify it and if it was from the ground it has naturally occurring minerals mixed in it.

Is Tap water element compound or mixture?

Tap water is a mixture because it is a combination of different substances - primarily water, but may also contain dissolved minerals, gases, and other impurities.

Is tap water an element compound heterogeneous mixture or homogeneous mixture?

Tap water is a homogeneous mixture, which means it has a uniform composition throughout. It is a mixture of water molecules along with dissolved minerals, gases, and other compounds, but these components are evenly distributed.

Is drinking water a compound or element?

Its a mixture. Drinking water, especially tap water, is not just H2O. There are many things in it such as chlorine and fluorine

Is tap water elements compound?

Tap water is a mixture. It is water with some impurities.

What type of mixture is tap water?

Unfiltered tap water is a pure substance

Is tap water an element?

No, tap water is not an element. It is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen.

Is tap water in a glass a compound homogeneous or heterogeneous?

Pure water (H2O) is a chemical compound; if the water is impure may be a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture.

Is tap water a element compound or mixture?

It is a mixture. Tap water is mostly water (H2O), which is a compound, but it contains dissolved gases (N2 and O2) and various dissolved mineral salts. The most abundant mineral in drinking water is usually calcium carbonate. Salts split into ions when they are dissolved, so drinking water contains significant amounts of carbonate (CO3-), nitrate (NO3-) and sulfate (SO4-) radicals, as well as calcium (Ca++), magnesium (Mg++), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), chloride (Cl-) and fluoride (F-) ions. Other elements are found in tiny amounts.

Why is distilled water a compound while tap water is a mixture?

Water (independent of forms) is a compound - H2O; tap water is of course water - but containing some minor impurities. And seawater, waters from lakes and rivers contain many impurities but remain water.