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No because it is a finite nonrenewable material. Technically there is no such thing as a renewable resource as there's a limit to everything including the sun. Things like trees, wind, waves and sunlight are considered such as their energy is derived from the sun and thus could last as long as it does.

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No, minerals are not a renewable resource. They are formed over thousands or millions of years through geological processes and once they are extracted and used, they cannot be replenished within a human timescale.

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are minerals renewable resources

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Q: Are minerals a renewable resource
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No. The Grand Canyon is not a renewable resource. A renewable resource is one that can be produced for years to come to provide some sort of fuel to humanity. Such as water, oxygen and meat from animals. Minerals --> rocks --> what the grand canyon is made of is not renewable

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Are minerals a non renewable or a renewable resource?

Yes, metallic minerals are a resource that humans cannot replace in nature. It takes nature many hundreds of thousands of years to compile mineral deposits and when those minerals are removed, humans can't replace them. That is why it's so important to recycle mineral products such as metals when their usefulness has been completed.

Are minerals a renewable resource why or why not?

Minerals are not considered a renewable resource because they are naturally occurring finite resources that are formed over geological timescales. Once they are extracted and used, minerals are not easily replaced within a human timescale, making them non-renewable. Recycling and sustainable mining practices can help extend the lifespan of mineral resources.

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