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If one of the choices were "rain" or "wind", then those are good answers.

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2w ago

False. The most important agent of erosion is water, which includes rainfall, rivers, and ocean waves, as it has the greatest impact on shaping the Earth's surface over time.

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Q: Is it true or false that the most important agent of erosion is called?
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False. Forces such as weathering and erosion that wear away high points and flatten out the Earth's surface are called destructive forces, not constructive. Constructive forces include processes like volcanism and plate tectonics that build up the Earth's surface.

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Is this question true or false. The process that lays down sediment in a new location is erosion?

False. The process that lays down sediment in a new location is deposition, not erosion. Erosion is the process of wearing away and removing sediment from a location.