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NO it's not a good idea and it's not particularly effective !!!

Best and safest way to keep ears clean is to mix 1/2 warm water and 1/2 apple cider vinger (not white vinegar-never white vinegar). We use a plastic 3ml syringe barrel without the needle. Just stick it in the ear

a little can actually go in fairly far depending on the type of dog...and gently squeez the fluid in...give the ears a good rub..and then you can clean the inside of the ear

with cheesecloth or tissue. Do this at least every two weeks and you won't even have to clean afterwards.

hope this helps

dale and the pack

BC Canada

Here's a great video I wish I would've seen years ago... take 5 minutes and learn to do it the RIGHT way the FIRST time!


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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

yes. i do it all the time to my Boston box and it also works well if they get sprayed by a skunk. it may leave a few red bumps and their hair will be lighter than before but it wont hurt them at all

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Hydrogen Peroxide is usually used to make dogs vomit when they have eaten something dangerous like antifreeze. The normal amount is 3cc per 20 pounds. If you are careful to keep the dog from ingesting the hydrogen peroxide, and keep the amount small, it shouldn't have any side effects.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

You can; Peroxide is a cheap way to get your dog to puke if it's eaten something it shouldn't have (like chocolate) if you have a big dog, you can give it up to 500cc's of hydrogen peroxide (about 3 tablespoons) to try and help make them puke. If it's a smaller dog give it one tablespoon.

If that doesn't work, call your vet if it's imperative to have your dog puke up something it's eaten (medication, drugs, chocolate) and they'll hook them up to an IV with medication that will induce vomiting, give them some charcoal and your pet should be fine.

When in doubt, call your vet immediately, never try to 'wait out' a poisoning. The sooner you act the better chance your pet has at avoiding internal damage.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Maybe. If i were you i would ask your vet. Vets know everything about dogs. Your Welcome! =]

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes you can put rubbing alcohol on your dog's ear, it doesn't matter if it hurts or not. it is good for the ear and it will get the germs out of the ear and it will clean it.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Dont be silly, of course not!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

yes but it isnt recommended

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βˆ™ 11y ago

yes u can

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Q: Can you put peroxide in dogs ears?
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Can you put alcohol and peroxide in ears?

yes you can apply both on the ears but i wouldn't recommend putting peroxide inside the ears

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I suggest using Hydrogen Peroxide.

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It bleeds a lot and you need to put peroxide on it and put some,"New Skin" on it.

Can you clean a dogs ear with hydrogen peroxide?

It is not recommended to clean a dog's ears with hydrogen peroxide as it can be harsh and irritating to the sensitive skin inside the ear. It is best to use a veterinarian-approved ear cleaner specifically made for dogs to prevent any potential harm or discomfort.

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You need to put a fly repellant on your dogs ears, the outside of his ear flaps. You can find this in a feed store or pet shop. Do this daily.

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When rubbing a dogs ears, watch out to make sure you dont put your finger in the dogs ear.

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They do it when they feel threatened, or when they're about to snap at you.

Can peroxide be used for water in ears?

It should be safe to mix Hydrogen Peroxide with water to produce a solution safe enough to put in your ear and remove earwax, but not damage your eardrum. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about the concentration.

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Can I use hydrogen peroxide to clean my ears?

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Can I use hydrogen peroxide to clean my ears?

Why doesn't hydrogen peroxide fizz when i put it in my ear?

The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. When it decomposes, it separates into water and oxygen gas. The reaction takes this form: 2 H2O2 -------> 2H2O + O2 The release of the oxygen gas is what makes the fizzy bubbles. When you put hydrogen peroxide solution on a wound or in your ears, it saturates the area with oxygen. Bacteria cannot live in this environment, and this is what makes peroxide a good disinfectant. It doesn't really help too much with earwax, though.