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Downwelling currents in the oceans typically do not directly "gain" or "lose" energy. These currents are driven by processes such as density differences and wind patterns, rather than changing energy levels. However, factors like climate change can indirectly impact downwelling currents by altering ocean temperatures and salinity, which can influence their strength and distribution.

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Q: Is downwelling of the oceans currents gianing or losing energy?
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What is a headland deposition or erosion?

A headland is a narrow strip of land that extends out into a body of water, such as an ocean or lake. Deposition at a headland occurs when sediment is deposited at the end of the headland due to wave energy decreasing and the current losing its ability to carry sediment. Erosion at a headland happens when waves and currents wear away the land, shaping the headland over time.

How does a green house keep earth from losing energy?

A greenhouse works by trapping heat from the sun within its structure, causing the air inside to warm up. This warmth is then retained by the glass walls of the greenhouse, preventing it from escaping back into the atmosphere. In the Earth's natural greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere act similarly to the glass walls of a greenhouse, helping to trap heat and keep the planet warm.

How does thermal energy of water vapor change as the vapor condenses?

The thermal energy decreases as the vapor condenses.

Does energy increase or decrease when gas becomes a liquid?

Energy content of the molecules of gas decreases. Energy of the system remains same. But it depends on what the conditions are too. Depends on the process of conversion: If it's isobaric, then decreases If it's isochoric, then decreases If it's isothermal, then increases If it's adiabatic, then no change

How does a substance change from one state of matter to another?

A substance changes from one state of matter to another by either gaining or losing energy. For example, to change from a solid to a liquid, energy is added to break the intermolecular bonds. To change from a liquid to a gas, more energy is added to overcome the forces of attraction between the molecules.

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As the boulder rolls down the hill, it is primarily losing potential energy that it had due to its position on the hill. As it moves, this potential energy is being converted into kinetic energy of motion.

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No, when a plane is landing, it is losing potential energy as it descends closer to the ground. This potential energy is being converted into kinetic energy as the plane's speed increases.

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By an electron losing energy.

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When a substance cools off, it is primarily losing thermal energy in the form of heat to its surroundings. The molecules inside the substance lose kinetic energy, resulting in a decrease in temperature.

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The car is losing kinetic energy as it climbs the hill. This kinetic energy is being transferred into potential energy due to the increasing height gained during the climb.

Change in speed what kind of form of energy is that?

when you decrease or increase speed you are losing or gaining kinetic energy respectively

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When the ionization energy becomes too great.

Can tsunamis travel across the ocean without losing energy?

Yes, they can. Tsunamis recollect their energy when they are traveling across the ocean.