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Yes they all are

A small percentage of each element in all existence is radioactive and some elements are nearly 100% radioactive if not exactly 100% radioactive, so encountering radioactivity in air, soil, and water is inevitable.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Reactor core water carries radioactivity in soluble and insoluble particulate matter. Particles may include metal fragments from within the reactor systems, mineral deposits in the water, or foreign objects introduced into the system accidentally. These materials may become radioactive during exposure to nuclear fission particles and waves. In addition, water molecules in the reactor core undergo chemical reactions during nuclear fission that may transform some atomic elements into radioactive isotopes.

There is also another form of radioactive water, known also as heavy water. The hydrogen atom has a radioactive isotope, called tritum, so if water is made with radioactive hydrogen, it will then be radioactive water.

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13y ago

1. Water contaminated by radioactive isotopes

2. Water containing tritium (3H) as HTO and T2O.

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10y ago

After contamination with radioactive materials.

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14y ago

Radium is extremely radioactive.

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12y ago

No, water is not radioactive.

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8y ago

No .. it is radioactive.

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What happens to the cooling water in a normally functioning nuclear plant does it all become radioactive eventually and how is it treated?

Water itself does not become radioactive, luckily, but any dissolved material in the water in the reactor primary circuit gets irradiated by the neutron flux and so can become radioactive. Therefore it is very important to control the water purity, it is all treated in a demineralisation plant, but then that is normal practice for power plants anyway, the difference in a nuclear plant is that the removed material can be radioactive. The secondary water/steam system in a PWR will not become radioactive, neither will the station cooling water used to cool the turbine condenser.

What is the radioactive half-life of water?

Water itself does not have a radioactive half-life because it is not a radioactive substance. The concept of half-life applies to radioactive materials that undergo radioactive decay.

Does a radioactive element become stable after its mass number become less than 82?

Not always -- Hydrogen-3 is radioactive, for example.

How long is the half life of radioactive water?

The half-life of radioactive water depends on the specific isotope present in the water. Common radioactive isotopes found in water include tritium and carbon-14, which have half-lives of about 12.3 years and 5,730 years, respectively.

What happens to a region when radioactive particles are released?

This region become a radioactive contaminated area.

When an atom bomb is exploded in the ocean what happens to the water?

all animals will become radioactive and turn into land animals as the water will all evaporate the water will then fall from the sky in the form of precipitation and drown all the radioactive land animals. a 100km radius of the bomb will be compltetly extinct and have to repopulate their infected shiettt

How does a person become radioactive?

By becoming unstable

Does intracavitary radiation make people radioactive?

No, intracavitary radiation does not make people radioactive. The radioactive source used for treatment is placed inside the body temporarily, and once the treatment is completed, the source is removed. The patient does not become radioactive from this procedure.

Does interstitial radiation make people radioactive?

Patients receiving interstitial radiation do become temporarily radioactive

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Patients receiving implant therapy do become temporarily radioactive

Is resin radioactive?

Resin itself is not inherently radioactive. However, it may become contaminated with radioactive substances if used in a radioactive environment or exposed to radioactive materials.

Is rabbit feces radioactive?

No. There is no reason why rabbit feces should be radioactive, unless of course they ate something radioactive or they are under medical care using radioactive isotopes. It might be possible that if the soil is radioactive, and the plants become radioactive, that a rabbit might excrete radioactive feces from eating the plants.