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2w ago

A waterfall is formed primarily by erosion, as water flows over hard rock layers and gradually wears them down to create a steep drop. However, some deposition may also occur at the base of the waterfall as sediment collects from the eroded material.

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Q: Is a waterfall formed by erosion or deposition?
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Is a waterfall formed from erosion or deposition?

It is formed from both. The rocks forms the falls had one had to be deposited and their current erosion by the river is resulting in the waterfall.

Is a waterfall deposition or erosion?

A waterfall is primarily associated with erosion rather than deposition. The force of the water flowing over the edge of a waterfall can erode the rock below, causing the waterfall to retreat upstream over time.

Is a waterfall created by erosion or deposition?

A waterfall is primarily created by erosion, as water flowing over a hard rock layer gradually wears it down and forms a drop. Deposition can occur at the base of the waterfall where the water slows down and deposits sediment, but the main process responsible for creating the waterfall is erosion.

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Is the Nile river formed by erosion or deposition?

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What is a waterfall and how it formed?

That are fined by erosion.

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Mushroom rocks are typically formed by erosion. Over time, softer rock material around a harder, more resistant rock can erode away faster, leaving behind the mushroom-like formation. Deposition can also play a role in shaping these structures as sediment accumulates around the base of the rock.

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