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most probably is we know peat soil contents high of organic materials consist of Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen...most of these atom can be found in organic compound known as organic acid for example CH3OOCH3

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Peat soil is typically acidic in nature due to the accumulation of organic matter over time. The decomposition of plants and other organic materials in peat soil releases organic acids, lowering the pH of the soil.

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Q: Is Peat Soil acid or alkaline?
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How do you fix Alkaline soil?

To fix alkaline soil, you can amend it by adding organic matter such as compost, peat moss, or pine needles. You can also use sulfur-based products to lower the pH level. Regularly testing the soil and adjusting amendments accordingly will help maintain a more balanced pH level over time.

Is high alkaline soil high acid soil?

No, high alkaline soil and high acid soil are not the same. High alkaline soil has a high pH level above 7, while high acid soil has a low pH level below 7. The pH level affects nutrient availability for plants, so it is important to understand the pH of your soil for successful gardening or farming.

What is PEAT SOIL and information related to it?

PEAT SOIL is a type of soil formed from partially decomposed plant material in waterlogged conditions. It is highly organic and retains a large amount of moisture. Peat soil is commonly found in wetland areas and is used for horticultural purposes due to its high water retention capacity. However, the extraction of peat for commercial use can lead to environmental degradation and loss of important habitats for wildlife.

Is mountain soil is known as peat soil?

No, mountain soil is not known as peat soil. Mountain soil refers to the soil found in mountainous regions, which can vary in composition depending on factors like altitude and geological history. Peat soil, on the other hand, is a type of soil formed from partially decomposed organic matter in waterlogged conditions, typically found in wetlands or bogs.

Do mushrooms grow better in acid or alkaline soil?

Mushrooms generally prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 5.5-6.5. Acidic conditions help to create a balanced environment for mushroom growth and nutrient absorption. Alkaline soil may hinder the growth of mushrooms as it can impact their ability to absorb essential nutrients.

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Do potatoes grow better in acid or alkaline soil?

alkaline soil alkaline soil

Should we use peat moss in our gardens?

Using peat moss depends on the soil you have. If it is alkaline, then peat moss may help.

How do you fix Alkaline soil?

To fix alkaline soil, you can amend it by adding organic matter such as compost, peat moss, or pine needles. You can also use sulfur-based products to lower the pH level. Regularly testing the soil and adjusting amendments accordingly will help maintain a more balanced pH level over time.

Does broccoli grow better in acid or alkaline soil?


Is high alkaline soil high acid soil?

No, high alkaline soil and high acid soil are not the same. High alkaline soil has a high pH level above 7, while high acid soil has a low pH level below 7. The pH level affects nutrient availability for plants, so it is important to understand the pH of your soil for successful gardening or farming.

Do dogwood trees and bushes like acid or alkaline soil?

Why would a plant like acid? Obviously go with the soil.

What is PEAT SOIL and information related to it?

PEAT SOIL is a type of soil formed from partially decomposed plant material in waterlogged conditions. It is highly organic and retains a large amount of moisture. Peat soil is commonly found in wetland areas and is used for horticultural purposes due to its high water retention capacity. However, the extraction of peat for commercial use can lead to environmental degradation and loss of important habitats for wildlife.

Is soil acid or alkallai?

Soil is not the same everywhere. In different locations we can find soil with different chemical composition, and different pH. Soil can be either acid or alkaline.

What property of slaked lime is important in neutralising acid soils?

The property of slaked lime that is important in neutralizing acid soils is its ability to react with acidic compounds in the soil, such as hydrogen ions, to raise the soil's pH. This helps to make the soil more alkaline and provides a better environment for plants to grow, as many plants prefer neutral to slightly alkaline soil conditions.

What soil makes the best garden?

peat moss, or peat soil

What is better for plant growing- acid or alkaline soil?

It depends on the preference of the plant .

How do you lower Alkaline Levels in soil?

Alkaline soils occur in many parts of the country. High alkaline levels harm garden plants by interfering with their uptake of soil nutrients. Alkaline soils are common in areas with low rainfall or areas that have been heavily irrigated.Spread sphagnum peat moss over your garden plot in an even layer about 2 inches thick. Do this at the start of the growing season. Work it into the top 10 inches of soil with a garden fork or tiller/cultivator. Sphagnum peat moss is acidic, with a pH of around 4, which balances soil alkalinity. But it is expensive for large garden plots.