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Strictly speaking, no, fermentation is the result of anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration of sugar by yeast. But its more complicated than that... Yeast requires oxygen for a number of processes essential for reproduction. Most fermentations involve the initial introduction of oxygen to ensure a strong yeast colony is established. And brewers yeast will ferment without using oxygen even if oxygen is available. Alcohol is toxic to many other organisms (and in high enough concentrations to yeast as well) and by converting sugar to alcohol it can prevent other organisms from getting established.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

Alcohol molecules contain oxygen atoms in their chemical structure. However, when we refer to the term "alcohol" in everyday language, we are usually talking about ethanol, which contains two carbon atoms, six hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom.

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16y ago

Oxygen has no role in fermentation. Fermentation is the cellular process of breaking down sugar for energy in the absence of oxygen. When oxygen is used to break sugars down, it is called aerobic cellular respiration, cellular respiration or possibly just respriation if there is little chance that "respiration" will be confused with the "respiration" that refers to breathing.

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13y ago

Alcoholic Fermentation is basically anaerobic fermentation ( in absence of oxygen). However, oxygen is crucial in increasing the population of yeast in initial step called propagation step.

Likewise there is work done and patented in using calculated quantity of pure oxygen in anaerobic fermenter to improve removal of CO2 generated in process. I am not aware of anybody using this method.

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12y ago

Most fungi require oxygen; however, some are able to grow without it. Some are poisoned by oxygen.
No because experiments show the opposite that they don't need O2
Yes.They take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide like humans.

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11y ago

ithink its because of the enzymes but im not sure

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14y ago

No, beause it is caused by the anaerobic respiration of yeast. Anaerobic means without oxygen.

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12y ago

no, because alcoholic fermentation is a anaerobic respiration.

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14y ago

yes it is

fermentation occurs in anaerobic respiration

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15y ago


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