90 degrees Celsius is equal to 194 degrees Fahrenheit.
Depends on the humidity. Usually it's a medium temperature not hot nor cold.
Yes, 85 degrees Fahrenheit is generally considered warm enough to wear shorts comfortably. However, personal comfort levels vary so it ultimately depends on individual preference.
A comfortable summer temperature generally ranges between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. This range allows for enjoyment of outdoor activities without being too hot or too cold.
Declination can range from +90 degrees (north) to -90 degrees (south).
No, that is much too hot.
No, if the water is too hot, it can kill the yeast. The water needs to be between 90 and 110 degrees (F.)
hot very very hot
90 degrees Celsius is equal to 194 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dattime Temperatures can reach as high as 90 degrees (33 degrees)
80 degrees Celsius is too hot to live in but 80 degrees Fahrenheit is not.
yes. 93 degrees is too hot to go to the park.
It starts to get hot in November, in December through March it is very hot. Average temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit and easily reaches 100 degrees.
Yes! From 70 - 90 degrees year round!
Hot. 90 degrees and sunny.
around 90 degrees Jimmy Neutron
It' not too hot or no too cold it's in the middle.