0 degrees Celsius is considered cold. It is the freezing point of water, marking the temperature at which water turns to ice.
Chilly. It's more towards cold than hot.
Hot and cold are not quantified terms, only comparative terms (hotter than or colder than). The temperature scale runs from absolute zero (minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit) to several billion degrees. With this kind of range most of the temperature we experience are "cold" in terms of the Universe. For our normal experience ranging from -40 degrees F in the air outside of a jet aircraft to several thousand degrees in the engine of the same aircraft 0 F is still on the lower (cooler) end of the scale.However if the comparison is the temperature that you have to keep most gases liquid, 0 F is far too hot.
0 degrees CelsiusWater begins to freeze at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, or as stated 0 degrees Celsius. Hot water will take longer to freeze than cold water since the water will take time to cool to the proper freezing temperature. The freezing point does not change, however; water will have to be cold before it finally freezes.
Depends on the humidity. Usually it's a medium temperature not hot nor cold.
0 degrees Celsius is considered cold. It is the freezing point of water, marking the temperature at which water turns to ice.
Hot and cold are comparative terms. 36 degrees F is considerably colder than 36 degrees C
It would be cold water because if the freezing point for water is 0 degrees. and say the cold water is 10 degrees and the hot water 90 degrees, the cold water is closer to the freezing point than the hot water and so freezes quicker
60 degrees Celsius is relatively hot. To get an idea of the Celsius system, consider that: 0 degrees Celsius is where water freezes 20-25 degrees Celsius is room temperature 37 degrees Celsius is body temperature 100 degrees Celsius is where water boils
59 degrees is warm not to hot not to cold
Chilly. It's more towards cold than hot.
actually it really depends because if it wasCelsius then it is pretty hot and if it was Fahrenheit then it would be cold because its closer to 0 degrees then the more warmer temperatures like 64 degrees
Hot and cold are not quantified terms, only comparative terms (hotter than or colder than). The temperature scale runs from absolute zero (minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit) to several billion degrees. With this kind of range most of the temperature we experience are "cold" in terms of the Universe. For our normal experience ranging from -40 degrees F in the air outside of a jet aircraft to several thousand degrees in the engine of the same aircraft 0 F is still on the lower (cooler) end of the scale.However if the comparison is the temperature that you have to keep most gases liquid, 0 F is far too hot.
-21 degree Fahrenheit is very cold. It's 53 degrees below freezing, or about the average monthly temperature for the Antarctic tundra.
It is hot