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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

A smaller Earth would cool faster because there would be less heat-generating radioactive elements in its core. This would result in a cooler interior temperature, not a warmer one.

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Q: If Earth was smaller it would have a warmer interior?
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Is it warmer underground or on the surface?

It is warmer underground than on the surface because the Earth's inner core is much hotter than the surface. The temperature increases the deeper you go beneath the Earth's surface due to the geothermal heat coming from the Earth's interior.

If Earth's interior was the same composition as the crust what would Earth would most likely do?

If Earth's interior had the same composition as the crust, the planet would be cooler and less dynamic. This would result in reduced geological activity such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and plate tectonics. The lack of differentiation in the layers would also impact the magnetic field and the generation of Earth's protective atmosphere.

If earth's oceans were much smaller how do you think climates on earth would be affected?

If Earth's oceans were much smaller, the climate would likely be more extreme due to reduced heat absorption and distribution. The smaller oceans would also affect weather patterns, leading to drier and more unstable conditions in many regions. Overall, the impact on Earth's climate would be significant and difficult to predict accurately.

How is the gardeners greenhouse a miniature version of the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is called that becouse the earth naturally acts like a greenhouse but with the gases (like CO2) going up into the air, the barrier around the earth that acts like a greenhouse, makes the barrier stronger and that makes the earth get more warmer. So...The more greenhouse gases we produce the warmer the earths temperture would be

If air would be a better heat conductor would the earth be colder or warmer during the night and why?

If air were a better heat conductor, the Earth would be colder during the night. This is because the air would more efficiently conduct heat away from the Earth's surface, causing more rapid cooling. This would lead to lower nighttime temperatures.

Related questions

Is it warmer underground or on the surface?

It is warmer underground than on the surface because the Earth's inner core is much hotter than the surface. The temperature increases the deeper you go beneath the Earth's surface due to the geothermal heat coming from the Earth's interior.

What would earth be like if it was closer to the sun?


What would happen if the earth was at a different angle?

If the earth were tilted at a greater angle, the Arctic and Antarctic would be warmer in summer and colder in winter than they are now, as they would get more direct sunshine in summer. If the tilt were smaller then the Polar regions would be colder than they are now. Canada and Russia would be colder. Equatorial regions would be the same or warmer than now. All the year round. Differences in seasons would not be as great as they are now.

What would to earth if the the ocean was much smaller?

the earth would die

What would happen if the interior of the Earth cooled?

In reality, the interior of the Earth is slowly cooling. In human time perspective, however, this cooling has no impact.

If you were a scientist will you undertake a study of the earth's interior?

I sure would!

If you were a scientist will you undertake a study of the earth interior?

I sure would!

What would happen to the convection currents in the mantle if earth's interior eventually down?

If the mantle of the earth interior were to cool down the convection currents and plate tectonics would stop. That would mean that there would be no more earthquakes or volcanoes.

What would happen to the convection currents in the Mantle if the earth interior eventually cooled down?

If the mantle of the earth interior were to cool down the convection currents and plate tectonics would stop. That would mean that there would be no more earthquakes or volcanoes.

What would happen if the earth's orbit suddenly became smaller?

The earth's water would evaporate.

What if the earth shrank in size but not mass?

If Earth shrank in size but not mass, the compression would greatly heat Earth's interior. Surface gravity would increase.

How would the Earth be different if the moon were much smaller?

There are so many things that would be different. In fact, life may cease to exist. The biggest change would be smaller tides and the earth's ocean volume would be smaller. There would be less ocean and more land.