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This evidence suggests that those continents were once connected as part of a single landmass known as Pangaea. Over time, the continents drifted apart due to the movement of tectonic plates, leading to their current separated positions.

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Q: Identical rock types identical fossils and very similar mountain ranges are found on different continents that are separated by a wide ocean?
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How does fossil disribution support the theory of continental drift?

Fossil distribution supports the theory of continental drift by showing similar species of plants and animals that lived on different continents that are now separated by oceans. This suggests that these continents were once joined together and over time drifted apart to their current positions. The presence of identical fossils on continents that are now separated is evidence that they were once part of the same landmass.

One type of evidence that supports Wegener and continental drift hypothesis is the existence of .?

Fossil evidence such as the presence of identical plant and animal species on continents separated by oceans. This suggests that these continents were once connected and later drifted apart.

What are three types of evidence for Pangaea?

Fossil evidence: identical fossils of plant and animal species have been found on continents that are now separated by oceans. Geologic evidence: similar rock formations and mountain ranges are found on opposite sides of different continents. Climate evidence: ancient climate patterns inferred from glacier deposits and coal deposits match up when continents are repositioned together as Pangaea.

How did the discovery of Glossopteris support Wegener's continental drift?

Because identical fossils were found on two continents far apart, it suggested that at one time the two landmasses were joined together. In other cases of lands separated by far less distance, plants did not propagate across the divide.

What are the evidence supporting the existence of Pangaea?

Fossil evidence: Identical fossils of plants and animals have been found on continents that are now widely separated, suggesting they were once connected. Geological evidence: Matching rock formations and mountain ranges on different continents provide evidence of their past connection. Climate evidence: Similar coal deposits and glacial striations found across continents support the idea of a single supercontinent with a consistent climate.

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How identical twins can be different when they have the same DNA?

Identical twins can be different due to variations in gene expression, environmental factors, and experiences. Even though they share the same DNA, their genes can be turned on or off differently, leading to variations in traits and characteristics. Additionally, environmental influences and individual choices can further contribute to differences between identical twins.

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Identical twins who are separated at birth and grow up with different families may lead very different lives. They may have varied personalities, interests, and experiences due to their different upbringings. However, they may still have similarities in certain traits and behaviors due to their shared genetics.

How does fossil disribution support the theory of continental drift?

Fossil distribution supports the theory of continental drift by showing similar species of plants and animals that lived on different continents that are now separated by oceans. This suggests that these continents were once joined together and over time drifted apart to their current positions. The presence of identical fossils on continents that are now separated is evidence that they were once part of the same landmass.

One type of evidence that supports Wegener and continental drift hypothesis is the existence of .?

Fossil evidence such as the presence of identical plant and animal species on continents separated by oceans. This suggests that these continents were once connected and later drifted apart.

Identical twins separated at birth and raised in completely different cultures would be most likely to have similar?

Appearance and basic behavior

What group of identical cells that can survive alone if separated are called what?

The group of identical cells that can survive alone if separated are called "totipotent cells." These cells have the ability to develop into a complete organism on their own.

What evidence did Alfred wegener use to support his theory of the breakup of Pangaea?

Alfred Wegener used evidence such as the apparent fit of the continents, similarities in rock formations and mountain ranges across continents, and the distribution of fossils of identical species in continents that are now separated by vast oceans to support his theory of the breakup of Pangaea. He also cited geological and paleontological evidence from different continents that suggested they were once connected.

How can it be that fossil fern plants found in Polar Regions today and fossils found on the east coast of South America are identical to those found on the west coast of Africa?

This indicates that these continents were once connected as part of the supercontinent Pangaea. The identical fossils suggest that these regions shared a similar climate and environment before the continents split apart. Over time, these fossils were separated by continental drift and ended up in their current locations.

What are three types of evidence for Pangaea?

Fossil evidence: identical fossils of plant and animal species have been found on continents that are now separated by oceans. Geologic evidence: similar rock formations and mountain ranges are found on opposite sides of different continents. Climate evidence: ancient climate patterns inferred from glacier deposits and coal deposits match up when continents are repositioned together as Pangaea.

How did the discovery of Glossopteris support Wegener's continental drift?

Because identical fossils were found on two continents far apart, it suggested that at one time the two landmasses were joined together. In other cases of lands separated by far less distance, plants did not propagate across the divide.

Are sister chromatids identical?

they're identical because they are the product of replication.

The process of nuclear division which creates two new identical nuclei is called?

The process of nuclear division that creates two new identical nuclei is called mitosis. During mitosis, the duplicated chromosomes are separated into two identical sets and distributed into separate nuclei.